Sewing Needles

Basic skills that you might need, if you cannot get to a store. How to fix a pair of socks (have you EVER done that before or did you just toss them out and buy a new pair?). Crochet & Knitting skills for blankets, footwear, household items. Lots of uses for an old skill that many don't have anymore.
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Sewing Needles

Post by Readymom »

Needles-How to Thread


The Easiest Way to Thread a Needle

Whether trying to re-attach a button that has popped off, helping grandma thread her sewing machine, or stitching your own wallet, we have all had our frustrations with threading needles. Sometimes we get lucky but then sometimes we get caught up in the iterations of cutting, licking, and coaxing the thread into the eye of the needle.

Luckily, there is an easier way to thread a needle! ---CONTINUED at LINK, above---
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