Stay Alone or Organize with Others?

Family, Friends & Community members will either be key in your preparedness & survial OR they may become a foe who drains all your resources. Small networks? Larger networks? Or Lone Wolf? Do you talk about your preparedness or do you keep quiet? This is the place to discuss your options.
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Stay Alone or Organize with Others?

Post by Readymom »


Are you a Community Member or a Lone Wolf Survivalist?

[img(150px,100px)] ... x395_c.jpg[/img] (SNIP) ... the government can’t look after people properly when things go wrong; we need to be self-reliant. The question is how self-reliant we need to be. Does it make sense to join a prepper group, or are you better off relying entirely on your own skills and being a lone wolf? Both options have their supporters, but is there a clear winner? I think there is, and here’s why. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Stay Alone or Organize with Others?

Post by Readymom »


How to Find Survivalist Friends

Although we’re living in times of political and social turmoil, most people still don’t see the usefulness of prepping. As a result, many of the good preppers feel lonely and misunderstood, even when they’re part of a numerous family.

One thing is clear, though: with the advent of the Internet and social media, people have started to get together based on hobbies, passions and interests. Those willing to look for likeminded people will eventually find them; it’s just a matter of putting in the effort. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Stay Alone or Organize with Others?

Post by Readymom »


Appreciating The Skills Of Your Group & How Everyone Has Something to Offer

(SNIP) ... one thing we all need to work on is appreciating the skills of others and encouraging strengths while not always highlighting the weaknesses in us all. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Stay Alone or Organize with Others?

Post by Readymom »


How to Approach Other Potential Preppers

When prepping for a SHTF scenario, there are two groups of people: those who believe that the best way to survive is the live independently, every man for himself, and those who believe that there is safety in numbers.

We’ve discussed the value of working together to prepare for disaster, but finding like-minded people isn’t as easy as it may seem. How do you find fellow preppers without fear of being rejected for your beliefs? ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Stay Alone or Organize with Others?

Post by Readymom »


The Pros and Cons Of Prepper and Survival Groups For A Long Emergency
There are many that say that without a group you are dead during a real SHTF scenario.

I have read all kinds of advice about forming groups and the ideal types of members.

I can’t help but see some major flaws in the idea of prepper groups for real SHTF scenarios. This is not to say that it is a bad idea to join a group. People just need to realize the challenges and the reality of group situations so everyone gets the best experience. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Stay Alone or Organize with Others?

Post by Readymom »


Survival Groups: Is There Such A Thing As Too Big?

A lot of people are of the opinion that one should have a group for a long emergency. Indeed there is are many reasons why this may be to someone’s advantage. Groups can provide support and protection during a long event. At the same time with more people there then becomes other issues and possible problems. This article is going to explore the topic of group size and the resulting considerations that must be made the larger a group is. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Stay Alone or Organize with Others?

Post by Readymom »


Time to Form a Prepper Community?

(SNIP) ... So, maybe it’s time to form a community of like-minded, prepared folks? No doubt, that’s easier said than done as most people simply aren’t interested in being truly prepared. Even the recent pandemic has instilled only a short-term interest in preparedness which I suspect will wain very quickly if/when things return to normal. In fact, I believe interest in preparedness has already declined greatly in recent weeks from what I’ve noticed. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Stay Alone or Organize with Others?

Post by Readymom »


Why It’s Very Hard to Go It Alone When the SHTF

I often say that survival is about being ahead of other folks around you.

If I want to “complicate” that definition a bit I would say that survival is also keeping the ability to cope with everyday tasks, stay alive, and still have the kind of life that makes you human.

What does that mean? ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Stay Alone or Organize with Others?

Post by Readymom »


The Best People To Be Friends With After SHTF

(SNIP) ... Since you cannot count on better natures to prevail, it’s time to start building your own disaster survival coalition. The idea is that you find a group of like-minded people who will share their skills and knowledge to help each other survive a long-term crisis.

Here is a list of types of people you should to get to know and, hopefully, with whom you can develop a trusting relationship. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Stay Alone or Organize with Others?

Post by Readymom »


How To Build A Disaster Survival Team

(SNIP) ... While there might be times when someone has to survive on their own, such as having their vehicle slide off the road in the middle of a blizzard, solo survival shouldn’t be our base plan. We are much more likely to be faced with a survival situation where we are around others, so it only makes sense to include others in our survival plans, especially if we can find the right people. ---CONTINUED---
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