How to Treat an Infected Wound During First Aid

Treating Bleeding, Open Wounds
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How to Treat an Infected Wound During First Aid

Post by Pegasus »


How to Treat an Infected Wound During First Aid

Infections that are localized to the wound itself can be treated in the wilderness if the infection is caught early. If you observe any fever, chills, swollen lymph nodes or red streaks radiating from the wound, evacuate the injured person immediately. --- continued at link, above ---

  • Preparation
    Draining and Bandaging
    Continued Care
    Overall Warnings:

This information is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment.
Last edited by Readymom on Thu Oct 03, 2019 2:07 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: How to Treat an Infected Wound During First Aid

Post by Readymom »

Caring for Wounds in the Wild

Image Hat Tip: Image 'littledoc' @ American Preppers Network
* Link Unavailable. This site is no longer active and available to view on line. But the info was good and we wanted to keep sharing it!

I so enjoy the field of wilderness medicine, because not only is it useful for remote locations, but also, the principles involved are useful in situations of disaster or pandemic.

One of my favorite places to learn about the wild tricks of the medical trade is through the Wilderness Medical Society

I would like to illicit to some wound management principles that I found in the Journal of Wilderness Medicine in the article "Cuts like a knife, but heals so right," by Dr. Nancy Pietroski:

First before I delve into the things, I do need to discuss basic first aid goals and wound handling in the outback.

In all medical situations, even those within the hospital setting, any medical professional must act according to a certain order of important principles because of their lifesaving nature. We call them the ABCs

A - Airway
B - Breathing
C - Circulation
D - Disability

Because this post is dedicated to wound care, I will only just touch on the ABCs, but if you want me to explain them in more detail just post a request here or PM me.

Basically, you make sure that they have an open trachea (windpipe) or an open way to breathe. They are not open, they can't breathe.

You look, listen, and feel for their breathing. This is also where rescue breathing comes in.

Circulation: Is what this post is all about. The bleeding. Here is where you treat the wounds. You wait until you know that they have an open airway and are breathing before even attempting to begin taking care of their bleeding.

A lot of times airway and breathing are quite simple. If they are screaming, talking, complaining, or swearing at you like they're a drunken sailor than they have an open airway and they are breathing.

Disability: This step is where you check to see if they can move all four extremities and splint broken bones.

Now for the good stuff: The blood, guts, and gore... Okay, so only a little blood, no guts, and well the gore is up to your perspective.

When faced with wounds, there are a few goals that you need to focus on, especially out in the boonies.

1. Control the Bleeding:
The whole point of the Circulation portion of the ABCs.
2. Clean the wound and prevent infection
3. Reduce comfort and promote healing
4. Minimize the loss of function
(we're dipping into the disability stage here, but still we need to mention it.)
5. Perform correct care and transport of patient

Before I get into the nuances of wound care, I would like to stress here that you need to attempt some form of body-substance-isolation (BSI) first. BSI is a full body coverup kit. And I seriously doubt that any of you are carrying a surgeon's gown mask, and surgeon's gloves in your backpack. So let's make one with stuff you might be already wearing.

Eye cover: Ski goggles or sunglasses or even regular glasses (not as great as those ski goggles, but hey, it's coverage).

Gloves: Any water barrier gloves or barrier material, such as those Ziploc sandwich bags your PBJ is sitting in, or the plastic grocery bag that you are carrying to put your trash in.

Body cover: Because some of these wounds can make Old Faithful look like a weak geyser. Parka. Ski Jacket. Big garbage bag with holes for arms. Or that "Kiss the Cook" apron works too.

Alright, now you're covered and you throw a tarp down for your poor bleeding patient to lay on. (Remind me to talk about patient transport and lifting some other time.)

Now you're ready to deal with the Slasher flick before you.


How do we control bleeding? Pressure. Pressure. Pressure.
Literally, you apply pressure to the wound.Get your gloves in there, if you don't have gauze, and apply some direct pressure to the wound.

Direct pressure, elevation of the body part, and packing with a moist sterile dressing or clean cloth (if sterile is unavailable) will stop most hemorrhaging, according to Dr. Nancy Pietroski of Wilderness Medicine.

I, personally, like to add to my wilderness kit a little hemostatic qauze or agents like Celox, Gelfoam, Surgicel, or Jello (non-sterile)... there's always room for Jello. These speed up the clotting process considerably.

Stop the bleeding and pad with sterile gauze or clean cloth... or you could even use one of your Ziploc sandwich bags minus the PBJ to dress the wound... than affix it with roller gauze, surgical tape, or that duct tape that you know you tie around your ski poles or walking sticks. Duct tape is your friend.


Irrigation is more than just a farming tool. Basically, you take sterile water and spritz down the wound, washing debris, soil, foreign bodies, etc from the wound. Well, you forgot to shove that liter of sterile fluid in your backpack, but you do have your sports water bottle or canteen.

Remember your goggles... they come in handy right at this point.

The journal of wilderness medicine suggests that in situations where you don't have irrigation available, use a ziploc bag filled with clean water, put a pin-sized hole in it and spray the wound clean.

Visible debris can be removed with sterile forceps or if you don't have them, tweezers dipped in alcohol.

You know, also contact eye solution can be used to irrigate a wound. Not only is it a clean isotonic solution, but it also has some minor elements of bacteriocides within it.

You can use honey or sugar as a natural antiseptic. Except with the honey, avoid putting the honey on the good intact skin, just put it in the wound then cover it with a sterile or clean dressing. With the sugar, just pour it in. Your patients will say that you're sweet for treating them so wonderfully.


There's more to do than just knock them out with a tree log.
Stabilize the extremity with the wound. Strips of duct tape can be used to close a wound in place of steri-strips if you don't have them on hand. Dermabound and its non-sterile cousin, tissue glue can work as well.


If it's wounded, get rid of it.

Seriously, if a person has been wounded, evacuate them. They need to get proper medical care.

The following is a list of "wound" situations where evacuation of the patient should be as rapid as possible:

-Infected wounds, deep penetrating wounds, impaled objects, wounds with ligaments, joints, tendons, or bones exposed

-Animal or human bites. (Yes, it can happen. Some people get awful hungry in the wilderness.)

-Severe blood loss

I'll talk about ways to handle different types of wounds later. So TTFN.

If you have any more questions, please feel free to post or PM me. Or you can find me at

Or if you would like more information on these subjects, look me up at

NOTE: Here's the source information:

Journal of Wilderness Medicine, summer 2009, volume 26, number 3.

Granted the ABCs information is not in the article and some of the other ideas, but for the most part, the article is great for understanding the basics of wound care in the wilderness.
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Re: How to Treat an Infected Wound During First Aid

Post by Readymom »


MAKE A POULTICE To Treat Many Skin Ailments!

Image ou can make a poultice to draw infection, treat boils and abcesses, relieve inflammation or a rash or simply draw the poison from a bee sting!

What is a poultice? A homemade poultice is made by mashing herbs, plant material or another substance with warm water or natural oils to make a paste. The paste can be applied directly to the skin and covered with a piece of clean cloth. If the herb used is potent such as onion, garlic, ginger, mustard, etc., you may want a layer of thin cloth between the skin and the herb. The cloth can then be covered with plastic wrap to hold in the moisture. The poultice can be changed every 3 to 4 hours or whenever it dries out.

A compress is used the same way but usually warm liquids are applied to the cloth instead of raw substances. Tinctures or herbal infusions are great for compresses.

The list of ingredients to use for a homemade poultice is endless!

The following poultice ingredients have properties to draw out infections reduce inflammation. These poultices can even be used to treat chest congestion, hemorrhoids and earaches. Don't forget that you can use poultices or compresses on your pets and livestock also! --- CONTINUED at LINK, above ---
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Poultice-How to Make & Use One

Post by Readymom »


Making and Using a Poultice … Even On Hard-To-Treat Areas!

The benefits of a poultice are that it is very localized, primarily affecting the area of application, and that it allows for prolonged contact with the medicinal plant components. Tinctures and essential oils are more concentrated than poultices, but they also absorb very quickly, spreading around the whole body. Poultices are longer lasting and much more targeted.

Poultices have another advantage in that they typically have a lot of drawing power.1) This makes them popular treatment choices for objects stuck in the skin, venomous bites, stings, and contact poisons, such as poison ivy.

Are you ready to become a pro poulticer? Then read on to learn the tips, tricks, and techniques to get the most out of this powerful herbal application. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: How to Treat an Infected Wound

Post by Readymom »

Here's a Home-Made Remedy for Infected Wound


MAKE A POULTICE To Treat Many Skin Ailments!

You can make a poultice to draw infection, treat boils and abcesses, relieve inflammation or a rash or simply draw the poison from a bee sting!

What is a poultice? A homemade poultice is made by mashing herbs, plant material or another substance with warm water or natural oils to make a paste. The paste can be applied directly to the skin and covered with a piece of clean cloth. If the herb used is potent such as onion, garlic, ginger, mustard, etc., you may want a layer of thin cloth between the skin and the herb. The cloth can then be covered with plastic wrap to hold in the moisture. The poultice can be changed every 3 to 4 hours or whenever it dries out.

A compress is used the same way but usually warm liquids are applied to the cloth instead of raw substances. Tinctures or herbal infusions are great for compresses.

The list of ingredients to use for a homemade poultice is endless!

The following poultice ingredients have properties to draw out infections reduce inflammation. These poultices can even be used to treat chest congestion, hemorrhoids and earaches. Don't forget that you can use poultices or compresses on your pets and livestock also! ---CONTINUED---
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Re: How to Treat an Infected Wound During First Aid

Post by Readymom »


How to Make Anti-Inflammatory Band-Aid Using Plantain

Plantain is an amazing plant likely found in your garden. We are not talking about that greenish type of banana but a green plant found in your back yard. People often remove plantain as they find is unattractive, but this little plant has great potential.

Plantain is called the “band-aid” plant as it has soothing and anti-inflammatory properties, ---CONTINUED---
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