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Food item: Oats

Posted: Sat Mar 10, 2007 3:50 pm
by Readymom
Oats-General Information


From Alan's Stuff-Prudent Food Storage

OATS: Though the Scots and the Irish have made a cuisine of oats, it is mostly thought of in the U.S. as a bland breakfast food. Seldom found as a whole grain, it's usually sold processed in one form or another. Much like barley, the oat is a difficult grain to separate from its hull. Besides its longtime role as a breakfast food, oats make an excellent thickener of soups and stews and a filler in meat loafs and casseroles. Probably the second most common use for oats in America is in cookies and granolas. A little creative thought can really increase their culinary range. --- CONTINUED at LINK, above ---

Includes, Info on:
  • Oat groats
  • Rolled oats
  • cooking rolled oats
  • Instant rolled oats
  • Whole oats

Re: Food item: Oats

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 3:52 pm
by Readymom

Reasons preppers store oats

(SNIP) ...When it comes to food storage, preppers are often quick to stockpile rice and beans and yet oats continue to go under appreciated! Oats are a prepper food worth stocking.

Adding oats to the prepper's pantry will add a variety of meal ideas for your family or group. You can toast oats, grind them into flour, bake them, sprout them, boil them, and also make oat milk! There are so many reasons to love oats, and to make them part of your food storage, but let's start with the price... ---CONTINUED---

Re: Food item: Oats

Posted: Sat May 23, 2020 4:17 pm
by Readymom

Oatmeal – the Most Popular Whole Grain


Top 10 Reasons to Eat Oatmeal
Types of Oats and Oatmeal


Re: Food item: Oats

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2020 3:38 pm
by Readymom

10 Reasons Why Everyone Should Store Oats

Oats are one of those storage foods people LOVE to ignore. I can’t even get my own husband to eat them. Since we both came from rural areas and grew up with the same self-reliant and frugal values, I couldn’t understand this. I love oats! Why would anyone not like oats? Soon I learned it wasn’t just him, but mostly everyone else I ran into. I am convinced that most people who don’t like oats are running into one of two main problems. They never had them prepared correctly to begin with; and/or they just don’t know what to do with them other than make oatmeal. I am going to solve these problems with you today. Oats are an extremely valuable item to put in your food stores and an incredibly healthy addition to your diet and here’s why: ---CONTINUED---

Re: Food item: Oats

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2021 5:42 pm
by Readymom

Sow Your Survival Oats. Recipes Featuring Oats in your Food Storage.

(SNIP) ... Quick rolled oats are an important part of our food storage plan and should be a part of yours, too!

(SNIP) ... Oats are cheap and easy to cook that is why they have made it into our food storage plan.

From a nutrition standpoint oats are a complex carbohydrate and I should probably be eating ... ---CONTINUED---

Re: Food item: Oats

Posted: Mon May 23, 2022 3:26 pm
by Readymom
For recipes using Oats, go HERE: Oats-Recipes

Re: Food item: Oats

Posted: Tue May 24, 2022 5:06 am
by Readymom
Hat Tip: Image to 'Violet', over at EHP-D:


Homemade Oat Milk

Oat milk is both inexpensive and incredibly easy to make it home, and its foaming properties and pleasing taste make it a satisfying dairy-free alternative to your morning coffee routine. ---CONTINUED---

:arrow: Cross posted in Beverages :: Milk