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Harvesting Rainwater (Other Ideas than Rain Barrels)

Posted: Sun May 27, 2007 4:25 pm
by Readymom

An entire thread has been devoted to the idea of collecting rain waterm, at the FluTrackers preparedness forum. Collection and storage fully explored and discussed!

Rainwater Harvesting and Purification System ... #post80398

Re: Rainwater Harvesting

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 11:39 pm
by Readymom

20 Strategies and Tips for Creating a Rainwater Catchment System

In a crisis, rainwater can become one of a prepper’s greatest allies. If you live in an area with as few as 30 inches (12 cm) of precipitation a year, you may be able to live entirely off water falling on the roof of your home. That is, you could collect enough water from precipitation to meet all of your needs for cooking, cleaning, bathing, flushing toilets, watering gardens, and supplying a few chickens and a goat or cow – if you use water efficiently. I’ve done it for many years. ---CONTINUED---

Re: Harvesting Rainwater (Other Ideas than Rain Barrels)

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 11:41 pm
by Readymom

Rain Water

For the average person, the best source of replacement drinking water will probably be rain water. Although this is an excellent source of safe drinking water, it is unpredictable in regards to timing and quantity. However, for most people, this is probably the cleanest source of replenishment drinking water they will have access to on a regular but intermittent basis.

Regardless of where you live in the world, if you can catch the rain water BEFORE it comes in contact with anything, then it is safe to drink without any special treatments. Even when you take acid rain into consideration, this is still a true statement. However, if there is a nuclear, chemical, or biological war at some point in the future, then rain water may not be safe to drink for some period of time. You will have to use your own judgment in that situation. One of the portable commercial water filters described below would be appropriate in those types of unusual and hazardous situations. ---CONTINUED---

Re: Harvesting Rainwater (Other Ideas than Rain Barrels)

Posted: Sun May 31, 2020 3:16 am
by Readymom

How To Harvest And Drink Rainwater

Every drop of water you’ve ever drunk, swam in, bathed in, or watered your plants with was once a drop of rain falling from a cloud. Of course, those drops of water were probably purified at your local water treatment plant.

But what if the treatment plant shuts down due to a major disaster? Is it safe to harvest rainwater and drink it? The answer is yes, but you have to do it right. ---CONTINUED---

Re: Harvesting Rainwater (Other Ideas than Rain Barrels)

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 4:38 pm
by Readymom

8 Reasons You Should Be Collecting Rainwater

(SNIP) ... By harvesting rainwater during the rainy season, not only do you save money, but you are also helping to save the environment. Instead of allowing the rainwater to go to waste and possibly damage your property, collect and store the rainwater in barrels. Barrels can harvest and hold about 80 gallons of rainwater per rainfall. ---CONTINUED---

Re: Harvesting Rainwater (Other Ideas than Rain Barrels)

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2022 3:47 pm
by Readymom

8 Mistakes To Avoid When Collecting Rainwater

Collecting rainwater for drinking purposes may seem simple enough, but there are many ways it can go wrong – some of which can actually be quite dangerous.

If you would like to start collecting rainwater in a way that is both safe and effective, make sure that you avoid these common rainwater collection mistakes. ---CONTINUED---