Pet Disaster Plans-General Info

H5N1 has been found in Dogs, Cats & Birds. How do we protect and care for our faithful friends? Some of the answers can be found here.
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Pet Disaster Plans-General Info

Post by Readymom »


Tri-Fold Brochure

U.S. Department of Homeland Security in Consultation with the American Kennel Club, The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, American Veterinary Medicical Association and the Humane Society of the US

Prepare for Emergencies Now: Information for Pet Owners

Points Covered include:
  • 1. PREPARE- Get an Emergency Supply Kit
    2. PLAN - What You Will Do In An Emergency
    3. STAY INFORMED - Know About Types of Emergencies
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Disaster Prep Plans for Pets

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Be a Lifesaver: Disaster Planning Can Save Your Pet in an Emergency

Hurricanes, floods, wildfires, hazardous material spills—disasters can strike anytime, anywhere. If you think you will never have to evacuate unless you live in a flood plain, near an earthquake fault line or in a coastal area, you may be tragically mistaken. It is imperative
that you make preparations to evacuate your family and your pets in any situation. In the event of a disaster, proper preparation will pay off with the safety of your family and pets. --- Continued at link, above ---


If You Evacuate, Take Your Pet
Don't Forget ID
Find a Safe Place Ahead of Tim
If You Don't Evacuate
As the Disaster Approaches
In Case You're Not Home
After the Storm
Evacuation Planning:
Disaster Supply Checklist for Pets
Other Evacuation Tips
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Post by Readymom »


Disaster Preparedness for Pets
* Link Unavailable. This site is no longer active and available to view on line. But the info was good and we wanted to keep sharing it!

The key to survival during a disaster, crisis or emergency is to be as prepared as possible before the storm hits. Take the time to make a plan and assemble an emergency kit for you and your pet. By taking these steps now, you will greatly increase your pet’s chances of survival.

For further information on the following topics go to: ... _pets.html

Before the Disaster
  • -Prepare for Everyday Emergencies
    -Disaster Supply Checklist for Pets
    -Find a Safe Place Ahead of Time
    -In Case You're Not Home
    -Don't Forget ID
    -Tips for horses and farm animals
During the Disaster
  • -When You Evacuate, Take Your Pets With You
    -If you Don't Evacuate, Shelter in Place
After the Disaster
  • -After the Storm
Prepare for Everyday Emergencies

These are example scenarios that could happen to you at any time, anywhere in the country. Prepare yourself for these events, and if a large disaster should ever hit, you will be ready and know what to do:
  • -The roads are icy, traffic is a mess and you decide to stay with a friend instead of risking the drive home from school or work. Who will check on your cat and feed her?
    -While you were out running errands, a propane truck overturned on the street near your neighborhood and you are not allowed to go home. A police officer tells you the electricity to your neighborhood was shut off. How can you make sure your birds stay warm?

    -Your mother-in-law has had a heart attack and you are going to meet your wife at the hospital. It may be a long night. Who will give your dog his medicine?
The Humane Society of the United States recommends the following actions to make sure your pets are taken care of when everyday events like these prevent you from taking care of your pets:
  • -Find a trusted neighbor and give them a key to your house or barn. Make sure this person is comfortable and familiar with your pets.
    -Make sure the neighbor knows your pets' whereabouts and habits, so they will not have to waste precious time trying to find or catch them.

    -Create a pet emergency/disaster kit and place it in a prominent place where your neighbor can find it.

    -If the emergency involves evacuation, make sure the neighbor would be willing to take your pets and has access to the appropriate carriers and leashes. Plan to meet at a prearranged location.

    -If you use a pet sitting service, they may be available to help, but discuss the possibility well in advance.

Disaster Supply Checklist for Pets

Every member of your family should know what he or she needs to take when you evacuate. You also need to prepare supplies for your pet. Stock up on non-perishables well ahead of time, and have everything ready to go at a moment's notice. Keep everything accessible, stored in sturdy containers (duffel bags, covered trash containers, etc.) that can be carried easily.

If you reside in an area prone to certain seasonal disasters, such as flooding or hurricanes that might require evacuation, create a kit to keep in your car.

In your pet disaster kit, you should include:
  • -Food and water for at least five days for each pet, bowls and a manual can opener if you are packing canned pet food.

    -Medications and medical records stored in a waterproof container and a first aid kit. A pet first aid book is also good to include.

    -Cat litter box, litter, garbage bags to collect all pets' waste, and litter scoop.

    -Sturdy leashes, harnesses, and carriers to transport pets safely and to ensure that your pets can't escape. Carriers should be large enough for the animal to stand comfortably, turn around and lie down. Your pet may have to stay in the carrier for hours at a time while you are away from home. Be sure to have a secure cage with no loose objects inside it to accommodate smaller pets. These may require blankets or towels for bedding and warmth, and other special items.

    -Current photos and descriptions of your pets to help others identify them in case you and your pets become separated and to prove that they are yours.

    -Pet beds and toys, if you can easily take them, to reduce stress.

    -Information about your pets' feeding schedules, medical conditions, behavior problems, and the name and number of your veterinarian in case you have to board your pets or place them in foster care.
Other useful items include newspapers, paper towels, plastic trash bags, grooming items and household bleach.

Find a Safe Place Ahead of Time

Because evacuation shelters generally don't accept pets (except for service animals), you must plan ahead to make certain your family and pets will have a safe place to stay. Don't wait until disaster strikes to do your research.
  • -Contact hotels and motels outside your immediate area to check policies on accepting pets. Ask about any restrictions on number, size and species. Inquire if the "no pet" policies would be waived in an emergency. Make a list of animal-friendly places and keep it handy. Call ahead for a reservation as soon as you think you might have to leave your home.

    -Check with friends, relatives or others outside your immediate area. Ask if they would be able to shelter you and your animals or just your animals, if necessary. If you have more than one pet, you may need to house them at separate locations.

    -Make a list of boarding facilities and veterinary offices that might be able to shelter animals in emergencies; include 24-hour telephone numbers.

    -Ask your local animal shelter if it provides foster care or shelter for pets in an emergency. This should be your last resort, as shelters have limited resources and are likely to be stretched to their limits during an emergency.
In Case You're Not Home
An evacuation order may come, or a disaster may strike, when you're at work or out of the house.
  • -Make arrangements well in advance for a trusted neighbor to take your pets and meet you at a specified location. Be sure the person is comfortable with your pets and your pets are familiar with him/her, knows where your animals are likely to be, knows where your disaster supplies are kept and has a key to your home.
If you use a pet-sitting service, it may be able to help, but discuss the possibility well in advance.

Don't Forget ID

Your pet should be wearing up-to-date identification at all times. This includes adding your current cell phone number to your pet's tag. It may also be a good idea to include the phone number of a friend or relative outside your immediate area—if your pet is lost, you'll want to provide a number on the tag that will be answered even if you're out of your home.

When You Evacuate, Take Your Pets With You

The single most important thing you can do to protect your pets is to take them with you when you evacuate. Animals left behind in a disaster can easily be injured, lost or killed. Animals left inside your home can escape through storm-damaged areas, such as broken windows. Animals turned loose to fend for themselves are likely to become victims of exposure, starvation, predators, contaminated food or water, or accidents. Leaving dogs tied or chained outside in a disaster is a death sentence.
  • -If you leave, even if you think you may only be gone for a few hours, take your animals. When you leave, you have no way of knowing how long you'll be kept out of the area, and you may not be able to go back for your pets.

    -Leave early—don't wait for a mandatory evacuation order. An unnecessary trip is far better than waiting too long to leave safely with your pets. If you wait to be evacuated by emergency officials, you may be told to leave your pets behind.
If You Don't Evacuate, Shelter in Place

If your family and pets must wait out a storm or other disaster at home, identify a safe area of your home where you can all stay together. Be sure to close your windows and doors, stay inside, and follow the instructions from your local emergency management office.
  • -Bring your pets indoors as soon as local authorities say there is an imminent problem. Keep pets under your direct control; if you have to evacuate, you will not have to spend time trying to find them. Keep dogs on leashes and cats in carriers, and make sure they are wearing identification.

    -If you have a room you can designate as a "safe room," put your emergency supplies in that room in advance, including your pet's crate and supplies. Have any medications and a supply of pet food and water inside watertight containers, along with your other emergency supplies. If there is an open fireplace, vent, pet door, or similar opening in the house, close it off with plastic sheeting and strong tape.

    -Listen to the radio periodically, and don't come out until you know it's safe.
After the Storm

Planning and preparation will help you survive the disaster, but your home may be a very different place afterward, whether you have taken shelter at home or elsewhere.
  • -Don't allow your pets to roam loose. Familiar landmarks and smells might be gone, and your pet will probably be disoriented. Pets can easily get lost in such situations.

    -While you assess the damage, keep dogs on leashes and keep cats in carriers inside the house. If your house is damaged, they could escape and become lost.

    -Be patient with your pets after a disaster. Try to get them back into their normal routines as soon as possible, and be ready for behavioral problems that may result from the stress of the situation. If behavioral problems persist, or if your pet seems to be having any health problems, talk to your veterinarian.
Updated March 20, 2007.
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FEMA:Information for Pet Owners

Post by Readymom »

* Link Unavailable. This site is no longer active and available to view on line. But the info was good and we wanted to keep sharing it!

If you evacuate your home, DO NOT LEAVE YOUR PETS BEHIND! Pets most likely cannot survive on their own; and if by some remote chance they do, you may not be able to find them when you return.For additional information, please contact The Humane Society of the United States.

Plan for Pet Disaster Needs
  • * Identifying shelter. For public health reasons, many emergency shelters cannot accept pets. Find out which motels and hotels in the area you plan to evacuate to allow pets -- well in advance of needing them. There are also a number of guides that list hotels/motels that permit pets and could serve as a starting point. Include your local animal shelter's number in your list of emergency numbers -- they might be able to provide information concerning pets during a disaster.

    * Identifying Take pet food, bottled water, medications, veterinary records, cat litter/pan, can opener, food dishes, first aid kit and other supplies with you in case they're not available later. While the sun is still shining, consider packing a "pet survival" kit which could be easily deployed if disaster hits.

    * Identifying Make sure identification tags are up to date and securely fastened to your pet's collar. If possible, attach the address and/or phone number of your evacuation site. If your pet gets lost, his tag is his ticket home. Make sure you have a current photo of your pet for identification purposes.

    * Identifying Make sure you have a secure pet carrier, leash or harness for your pet so that if he panics, he can't escape.

    * Identifying Animals in Emergencies for Owners This video, developed by the Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness Program (CSEPP) /FEMA, is intended to help pet and livestock owners prepare to protect their animals during emergencies.
Prepare to Shelter Your Pet
  • * Call your local emergency management office, animal shelter, or animal control office to get advice and information.

    * If you are unable to return to your home right away, you may need to board your pet. Find out where pet boarding facilities are located. Be sure to research some outside your local area in case local facilities close.

    * Most boarding kennels, veterinarians and animal shelters will need your pet's medical records to make sure all vaccinations are current. Include copies in your "pet survival" kit along with a photo of your pet.

    NOTE: Some animal shelters will provide temporary foster care for owned pets in times of disaster, but this should be considered only as a last resort.

    * If you have no alternative but to leave your pet at home, there are some precautions you must take, but remember that leaving your pet at home alone can place your animal in great danger! Confine your pet to a safe area inside -- NEVER leave your pet chained outside! Leave them loose inside your home with food and plenty of water. Remove the toilet tank lid, raise the seat and brace the bathroom door open so they can drink. Place a notice outside in a visible area, advising what pets are in the house and where they are located. Provide a phone number where you or a contact can be reached as well as the name and number of your vet.
During a Disaster
  • * Bring your pets inside immediately.

    * Have newspapers on hand for sanitary purposes. Feed the animals moist or canned food so they will need less water to drink.

    * Animals have instincts about severe weather changes and will often isolate themselves if they are afraid. Bringing them inside early can stop them from running away. Never leave a pet outside or tied up during a storm.

    * Separate dogs and cats. Even if your dogs and cats normally get along, the anxiety of an emergency situation can cause pets to act irrationally. Keep small pets away from cats and dogs.

    * In an emergency, you may have to take your birds with you. Talk with your veterinarian or local pet store about special food dispensers that regulate the amount of food a bird is given. Make sure that the bird is caged and the cage is covered by a thin cloth or sheet to provide security and filtered light.
After a Disaster
  • * If after a disaster you have to leave town, take your pets with you. Pets are unlikely to survive on their own.

    * In the first few days after the disaster, leash your pets when they go outside. Always maintain close contact. Familiar scents and landmarks may be altered and your pet may become confused and lost. Also, snakes and other dangerous animals may be brought into the area with flood areas. Downed power lines are a hazard.

    * The behavior of your pets may change after an emergency. Normally quiet and friendly pets may become aggressive or defensive. Watch animals closely. Leash dogs and place them in a fenced yard with access to shelter and water.
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AVM Association-Saving the Whole Family

Post by Readymom »

Disaster Prep Manual for Pets

A downloadable PDF from the American Veterinary Medical Association (2008)

Saving the Whole Family


Tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, fires, blizzards, terrorism…
Devastating natural and man-made disasters can ravage our lives. No one is
exempt from the possibility of being affected personally. You need to prepare for
yourself and for your animals in case of disaster.

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has developed this
booklet to help you avoid having to leave your animals stranded in the event of a
disaster or an evacuation. --- Download ENTIRE Brochure at link, above ---
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Re: The Humane Society of the United States

Post by Readymom »

Pet Preparedness-General Info


Disaster Preparedness

Emergencies come in many forms, and they may require anything from a brief absence from your home to permanent evacuation. Each type of disaster requires different measures to keep your pets safe, so the best thing you can do for yourself and your pets is to be prepared. Here are simple steps you can follow now to make sure you’re ready before the next disaster strikes: ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Preparing Your Pets Trifold Brochure

Post by Readymom »


Pets and Animals


Get Informed
Make a Plan
Tips for Large Animals
Build a Kit
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Re: Preparing Your Pets Trifold Brochure

Post by Readymom »


Preparing Your Pets for Emergencies Makes Sense. Get Ready Now.

2 page pdf

Get a Kit
Make a Plan
Be Prepared
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Re: Disaster Prep Plans for Pets

Post by Readymom »


Pet Disaster Preparedness

In an emergency, your pets will be even more dependent on you for their safety and well-being. Your family’s disaster plans must include your furry family members too. Learn what to do to keep your beloved pets safe! ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Pet Disaster Plans-General Info

Post by Readymom »


Making Emergency Preparations for Your Pet

Our pets often become more than animals to us, they become members of the family! And just as we make emergency preparations for our families, we need to make emergency preparations for our pets. For the most part, pets need the same preparations and items that we need, including food, water, shelter, medications, etc as well as a few special items specific to just your pet. By making all of the following preparations beforehand, your pet will be ready to go in any emergency. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Pet Disaster Plans-General Info

Post by Readymom »


Helping Four-Legged Friends Survive the Storm

(SNIP) ... Animals are affected by disasters and emergencies, just like people. They can sense danger and become anxious, and they are just as vulnerable to strong winds, rising waters, or flying debris as humans.

(SNIP) ... We encourage you to use this manual to make notes and write out ideas that apply to your community and area. Beyond that, we suggest that you share this material with other officials, citizens, and employees so that they can be more active in disaster preparations and can indeed triumph over tragedy. ---CONTINUED---
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