Fish Traps

A significant disaster emergency could shut down your stores. You have a local water source nearby. Fishing could be a food-source for your family, but you have NEVER fished before. Help can be found here.
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Fish Traps

Post by Readymom »

I'm NOT a fisherman/woman/person. When I saw this, I was wondering if you could do the same with a bottle that was a bit bigger, to get bigger fish?


Bottle Fish Trap

Post a new topic FF8KWCPFQCTIOS6.LARGE One can catch two or three big fish, but it is easier to catch dozens of small fish. Fried little catfish are very tasty, just be careful opening and cleaning them prior to put them in the pan. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Fish Traps

Post by Readymom »


How to Trap Fish
Post a reply Img0691-1024x738 (SNIP) ... A fish trap consists of a series of sticks or rocks laid in a pattern that traps the fish. You build a corral with a funnel leading into it. When you have fish trapped, block the entrance and either club the fish, or catch them with your hands. If you get a large amount of fish in the trap, you can leave them caged up until you are ready to eat them. This is a good way of preserving the fish ... ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Fish Traps

Post by Readymom »


Survival Fishing- The Ultimate Primitive Basket Fish Trap

This video describes how to build a primitive basket fish trap for survival fishing purposes.
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Re: Fish Traps

Post by Readymom »


How To Catch Fish With A Bottle

(SNIP) ... when it comes to emergency situations, fishing becomes a necessity, an essential skill that will help you survive.

(SNIP) ... here’s a very simple and easy way to catch fish for survival by using a plastic bottle. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Fish Traps

Post by Readymom »


How to Catch Fish with a Jug

Jug line fishing is an easy method that has been around for a long time. First timers and seasonal fishermen find this method to be consistent, effective, and low cost. If you are in an area with a decent amount of fish, the jug line method is a sure bet for plenty of action.

So, if you enjoy fishing and have never heard of jug line fishing, or don’t know how to go about it, this article and video will provide some helpful information. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Fish Traps

Post by Readymom »


Hat Tip: Image Thanks to rick1, over at EHP-D:

How A Funnel Trap Can Turn A Tomato Cage Into The Ultimate Fish-Catcher

Learning how to make a funnel trap is an important skill, because you can use it on land and water, and in almost any terrain in the world. You can turn plastic bottles into funnel traps for minnows, rodents, toads, crayfish, and other small animals. You can also make larger funnels for muskrats and big fish.

In this article, I will specifically explain how I made a funnel trap out of an old tomato cage and discarded grapevine. This project inspired two recon missions into my husband’s garage and (oddly) a trip to Hobby Lobby to satisfy a hunch. ---CONTINUED---
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