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You only have 10 Minutes to leave!

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 4:40 pm
by Readymom

8 Items You Need To Bring if You Need To Leave In 10 Minutes

Post a new topic 8-Items-You-Need-To-Bring-if-You-Need-To-Leave-In-10-Minutes--890x395_c Leaving home in a hurry is something most preppers have given some thought to. Your house might be well prepared to let you ride out any crisis, but what if it’s too dangerous to stay in it? That’s why most of us have a bugout bag packed and ready – if we need to go, we can grab the bag on the way out and we’ll have enough essential gear to give us a fighting chance. [

(SNIP) ... we decided to put together a few suggestions on what to add to a “bugout NOW” list. ---CONTINUED---

Re: You only have 10 Minutes to leave!

Posted: Sat Oct 19, 2019 2:39 pm
by Readymom

Preparing for a Quick Exit: What to Have On Hand

An SHTF scenario doesn’t have to entail the collapse of society or city-destroying tsunamis. It can be something smaller, but no less dangerous—like a compromised power plant or a sudden flood that sweeps through your area.

Regardless, it’s crucial to prepare the necessary items so you can make a quick exit.

All the things we’ll address can be just as helpful in a power outage just as much as a total economic collapse. Whether the disaster is world-ending or not, here’s how you can plan ahead of time. ---CONTINUED---

Re: You only have 10 Minutes to leave!

Posted: Fri Dec 13, 2019 4:40 pm
by Readymom

Evacuate your Home in 10 Minutes

It’s very hard to think about, but if you had to, can you evacuate your home in 10 minutes? If this is all the time you had what would you grab?

We had this exact discussion in our household, and we think we have a plan. I can’t tell you what your plan should be as everyone is different – you may have more or less people in your household, of varying ages; you may have one or more pets, and have a different stage of readiness.

Here are some things to think about: ---CONTINUED---