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Outdoor Shelter Locations

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2019 4:07 pm
by Readymom

Good info to keep in mind for long or short-term shelter locations, if you are in an area with options:

This is Why Location is Key for your Long Term Wilderness Shelter

Location is the most important aspect of a long term survival shelter. It will make or break your survival strategy. This article will help you choose the best location for a wilderness shelter if you were to use it for more than a month. ---CONTINUED---

Re: Outdoor Shelter Locations

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2019 3:38 pm
by Readymom

10 Natural Survival Shelters To Look For In The Wild

(SNIP) ... In any survival situation, time is often the only luxury. How you use that time determines survival success. That’s why you have to make the best of the time you have because every place in the world has to confront one inevitability: It gets dark outside.

(SNIP) ... We’re going to explore 10 types of natural shelters. We’ll also consider ways to quickly adapt nature’s materials to make the addition of a poncho or emergency blanket an instant shelter. ---CONTINUED---