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Whole House Greenhouse

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 11:52 pm
by Readymom

Couple Builds Greenhouse Around Home to Stay Warm and Grow Food All Year Long

A Swedish couple have taken a novel approach to keeping their property in Stockholm warm all year round. Marie Granmar and Charles Sacilotto wanted to create a sustainable home in which their family would be comfortable during the long nordic winter, which begins in early October and continues well into April. In order to stay cosy, they constructed a greenhouse around their simple summer home! ---CONTINUED---

Re: Whole House Greenhouse

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2023 4:53 pm
by Readymom

3 page PDF from Backwoods Home Magazine Archive

House Heating Solar Greenhouse

Victorian houses often had a heated, greenhouse style room, called a solarium, for sitting in during inclement weather. And many an old farmhouse had a greenhouse attached, so heat from the living space could moderate the cold in the greenhouse. But modern glazing materials and building techniques make it practical to reverse the heat flow and use the greenhouse to heat the living space.  ---CONTINUED---