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Screening Potential Prep or Survival Group Members

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2020 3:30 am
by Readymom

Screening Potential Members For Your Survival or Preparedness Group

There is always a lot of talk about having a group in a survival situation. As someone that does not, I have had a chance to observe things a little differently and one thing I have noticed is that people are far too trusting of who they let in and how much information they reveal from the very beginning. Information can be revealed and the person doing it doesn’t even realize the extent of their transparency.

Since there is undoubtedly value in having a group of people that you can come together with during hard times, I want to talk about how to screen people that you are considering letting into this part of your life and discuss a few pointers for not getting in an awkward or even dangerous situation, ---CONTINUED---