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Cooking Without Attracting Attention

Posted: Wed Jan 12, 2022 4:30 pm
by Readymom

7 Ways To Cook During A Disaster Without Attracting Attention

(SNIP) .... When the SHTF, it will take mere days for the unprepared folks around you to notice that your self-reliant family is still living well. A grand total of 72 hours is about how long it will take for the people who lived their lives blissfully unaware of disaster threats to go through the food in their homes.

During those first few days, the sight, sound, and smell of food cooking on a grill or camping stove will not stand out … but that will change quickly. ---CONTINUED---

Re: Cooking Without Attracting Attention

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2022 3:09 pm
by Readymom

5 Ways To Cook When SHTF Without Attracting Attention

(SNIP) ... during a survival scenario, you may not want other people to know you are in the home. Attracting attention to yourself in a survival scenario can be a death sentence.

In this article, we will cover different ways you can cook without gas or electricity from the grid. ---CONTINUED---

Re: Cooking Without Attracting Attention

Posted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 4:20 pm
by Readymom

Prepper Must-Have: Minimal-Smoke Cooking Backups

Some holiday weekend, head out to the ‘burbs” or stroll through some campgrounds or a public park. Your nose will pick up a couple very distinctive smells: Wood smoke and charcoal grills. Charcoal and wood fire scents carry far and linger long, presenting a pretty significant cue that people are nearby. ---CONTINUED---