Bartering-Lists & General Information

Bartering (the trading of good or services for other goods or services) could be common during an emergency where money is inaccessible. Find lists & general info here)
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Bartering-Lists & General Information

Post by Readymom »


Bartering 101

Before the advent of paper money bartering or trading was the way people got what they needed. Farmers often specialized in certain crops or livestock. The chicken farmer might trade 3 chickens with the wheat farmer to get 10 lbs of wheat to make some bread to feed his family. Similarly, if you have 100 cans of beans but no can opener you are going to need to trade a few of those cans with someone that has a can opener. You might trade a few more cans to someone with a lighter or stove so that you can cook those beans. The value of the item will depend on the needs others and how easy said item is to come by. In other words supply and demand. If you are the only one on the block with sugar and everyone wants some you can set the price as you see fit. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Barter Items

Post by Readymom »


Bartering in an Emergency

Long before cold hard cash became the name of the game, bartering was the norm. Trading goods and services was commonplace in every town. Many cities had a trading post where farmers would bring their goods to barter for things they might need, but couldn't produce themselves. Many travelers would use these locations to stock up before heading out West. It was common to trade the family's silver for enough food to make the journey. There have even been modern cases of individuals using eBay to trade a paperclip for a series of items ending in an actual house! ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Barter Items

Post by Readymom »


16 SHTF Barter Items to Stockpile

Every good survivalist has a stockpile of things he or she recognizes their family may need to survive a natural or man-made disaster. However, many people forget the value of maintaining a barter store as well.

If things hit the fan, particularly in an economic collapse where the dollar is nearly worthless, a number of non-monetary goods will be more valuable than a fistful of dollar bills. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Barter Items

Post by Readymom »


How to Barter for Survival (not just a list): 100+ Items to Barter in a Post-Collapse World (2018 Edition)

Do you know how to barter? In preparedness circles, the term barter is used a lot when describing a post SHTF situation when goods and services may no longer be available through normal channels. According to Wikipedia, ”barter is a method of exchange by which goods or services are directly exchanged for other goods or services without using a medium of exchange, such as money”.

A lot of people think of bartering as ... ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Barter Items

Post by Readymom »


Prepper's Bartering List-Bullets beans and bartering

Barter Items Bartering-page-210x213 Bartering is a sort of prepper currency for when the bullets, beans and bandages run out (and cash and credit cards are meaningless). It's also a prepper savings plan! Considering that anything you can buy now cheaply will increase in value when it's no longer available, it's time to stock up.

What survival items will you stash away? To help, we compiled the bartering list below from multiple prepper sources with ideas from prison bartering systems, and bartering records of the world wars, as well as stories from the Great Depression, and survivors of Bosnia 1992-1995. Each crisis brings new ideas of what might be valuable, for example: ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Bartering-General Information

Post by Readymom »


Preps or Barter? Which, and WHEN?

Some preppers with a moderate amount of time in the game have built up their stocks to where they feel fairly secure in their ability to go it on their own for a few months. At some stage, the question arises, “Along with plans to increase our reserves, what else can we do? What about precious metals, feel-good stuff, comfort items and barter materials?” ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Bartering-General Information

Post by Readymom »


10 Most Sought-After Bartering Items in Venezuela

About 50 years ago, Venezuela was one of the most stable countries in the world. Even with huge oil reserves, however, little is left of the so-called Saudi Venezuela.

(SNIP) ... the bolivar has become a useless currency. This has led some people to trade by barter or to ask for goods instead of money when charging for their services. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Barter Items

Post by Readymom »


200 Items You Can Barter After The Collapse

Imagine a scenario where cash has become worthless. It could be hyperinflation, where it takes a wheelbarrow of cash to buy a loaf of bread. Or it could a devastating act of terrorism such as a bioweapon or an EMP that sets the country back 100 years. Whatever the cause, there could come a day when our money becomes useless.

And it won’t necessarily be a nationwide disaster that causes this to happen. In a local disaster such as a powerful hurricane or earthquake, the power will be out which means the banks will be closed. And if they don’t reopen, there won’t be enough cash to go around.

In any of the above scenarios, people will be forced to barter with one another until power is restored or a suitable currency emerges. In case that ever happens, it’s a good idea to have a wide assortment of barter items. That way if someone has something you need, you’re more likely to already have something they need. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Barter Items

Post by Readymom »


Bartering 101: What to do When Money Has No Meaning

(SNIP) ... Barter is a transaction defined by the exchange of goods or services in trade. It’s referred to in Latin as “Qui Pro Quo” or “This for That.” When two parties agree that the exchange is fair and of relatively equal value, the transaction is complete. But there are variables that come into play depending on the need that one party has for a certain item or service, or its rarity.

In a time of societal collapse, prescription medications can be hard to come by and could have significantly more value and command a higher rate of exchange. In other instances, basic commodities can be easily negotiated such as a dozen eggs for a loaf of bread. It all depends on what you have and what you need. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Bartering-Lists & General Information

Post by Readymom »


You Need to Be Thinking NOW About Bartering

Bad news concerning the supply chain just keeps coming. ...

(SNIP) ... We need other options, and sooner rather than later. ... ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Bartering-Lists & General Information

Post by Readymom »


Bartering: Could You Live Without Money?

Could you live without money? Imagine the struggles of living day to day with little to no money. ---CONTINUED---
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