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Dehydrating Vegetables-Potatoes

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 6:11 am
by Readymom
Dehydrating: Potatoes


dehydrated potatoes

Image Hat tip: "kappydell"

This time of year, fresh potatoes often go on sale cheap. Dehydrate them for further use!


1. Peel and slice or dice potatoes 1/4 inch or slightly bigger.
2. Steam them over boiling water 4 min or so until they are slightly translucent. If you want snowy white ones, add some sodium bisulfite to the water. I don't want the sulfur, so I don't. You can also blanch by boiling for 8 minutes.
3. Remove from steamer and plunk in ice water or as cold as you can get for 15 min. This removes any 'excess' starch and stops the cooking. Drain well. Some folks like to dry them on paper towels, I don't do the extra work.
4. Spread on a cooking fat sprayed dehydrator tray, and dry according to manufacturer's specs for veggies, (or on sprayed cookie sheets in oven at its lowest setting, leaving the door propped open with a wood spoon).
5. Turn all the slices over after 1 hour; then turn the slices over every 30 minutes. Drying time will depend largely on your own oven, but you should begin checking for doneness at 3 hours. The potatoes are done when they become brittle, somewhat translucent, and are not at all pliable. Their color should be pale white with a tinge of yellow; do not let them become brown or even dark amber in color. Some potato slices will dry faster than others, so check every 15 - 30 minutes for slices which are done.
6. Let cool, and store air tight up to 1 year.

My favorite recipes for same: ---- Go to Link above for the following recipes:

    100-SERVING SCALLOPED POTATOES (Military cookin’ at it’s best!!)

    SHELF STABLE SCALLOPED POTATO MIX (3 cups or four servings of ¾ cups)


Re: Dehydrating Vegetables-Potatoes

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 2:24 am
by Readymom
DIY Potato Flakes From Scratch


DIY Potato Flakes From Scratch

Image The more I practice making pantry items from scratch, the more I realize how easy it is for us to do it ourselves. Here we are spending way too much for these “instant” foods such as instant rice and potato flakes, when we can make them ourselves using fresh ingredients.

Potato flakes are one of those pantry items you can make from home and save money doing so. They have a variety of uses, and all you need to do is cook the potatoes beforehand and dehydrated them. It’s that simple, folks! This is also a great way to make use of potatoes that are beginning to sprout. --- CONTINUED at LINK, above w/Recipe ---

Re: Dehydrating Vegetables-Potatoes

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 4:17 pm
by Readymom
Dehydrating Potatoes-Directions


How to Dehydrate Potatoes

It’s true, if you have a cool, dark, dry place, potatoes will store very well. But, when we renovated our 1948 house, we insulated every square inch. Finding a dark, dry, cool place in this house is tough (the thought of a cold storage room didn’t occur to us).

I can’t keep them in the fridge or else they’ll turn black and/or to have that weird sweet taste. And, I can’t keep them in the pantry for fear that they’ll sprout or rot. So, I dehydrate them.

I also dehydrate them because they’re great for homemade scalloped or au gratin potatoes. On a busy weeknight, those dehydrated potatoes sure are fast and easy!

Whether you’re looking for a way to effectively store potatoes or are just interested in some great recipes, here’s how to dehydrate potatoes: --- CONTINUED at LINK above ---

Re: Dehydrating Vegetables-Potatoes

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 4:42 pm
by Readymom

Potatoes In A Can: A Tutorial

(SNIP) ... Here’s everything you need to know about the different ways potatoes can be purchased in a #10 can, and how I use them in my home. ---CONTINUED---