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Hydra-Light: The Salt Water Powered Lantern

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2019 3:01 pm
by Readymom

Introducing the Hydra-Light: The Salt Water Powered Lantern & Charger!

Hydra-Light: The Salt Water Powered Lantern Introducing-the-Hydra-Light-The-Salt-Water-Powered-Lantern-Charger Away from the wall socket or without your charger, a rechargeable battery is no better than a disposable. In the US alone there is over $2 Billion1 spent on dry-cell batteries each year and most of those end up in the household garbage. Those batteries often go dead on the shelf. Solar must be kept in the sun, and there must be sun.
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A startup out of Australia may have the solution, they created a Saltwater EnergyCell, roughly the size of a small can of soup, it has power equivalent to 85 general purpose AA batteries, at just a fraction of the cost. With that kind of power potential, the Saltwater EnergyCell could have hundreds of applications. ---CONTINUED---