Toilets-How to keep them Clean

Trash, alternate 'Pottie' ideas and Waste Management ideas
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Toilets-How to keep them Clean

Post by Readymom »

Toilets/Potties/Port-A-Potties: Keeping Clean

Cedar Shavings
Also you can use the cedar shavings bags..available from any pet store. place 1 to 2 inches in the bottom of bucket , they come in bales at any pet store. cover with scoops of shavings after bowel movement, but minimal use after urine. Musky odor and will bio-degrade even with toilet paper. Use rake to insure air to help with bio-dergade. Makes " night soil which is great fertilzer on gardens after 2 yrs. 1 yr great on trees and bushes.
Lime dust will draw moisture if stored in a barn or shed, for longterm storage it must be kept very dry. Use in areas of emptying pottie bucket, which will be dumped in a hole.

(Source: Unknow)
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Sanitation . . . In An Emergency

Post by Readymom »


Department of Homeland Security, The National Terror Alert Response Center

Sanitation and Hygiene In An Emergency

(SNIP) ... The lack of sanitation facilities following major disaster can quickly create secondary problems unless basic guidelines are followed.

If the water lines are damaged or if damage is suspected, do not flush the toilet. Avoid digging holes in the ground and using these. Untreated raw sewage can pollute fresh ground water supplies. It also attracts flies and promotes the spread of diseases. Store a large supply of heavy-duty plastic bags, twist ties, disinfectant, and toilet paper

A good disinfectant that is easy to use is a solution of 1 part liquid bleach to 10 parts water. Dry bleach is caustic and not safe for this type of use.

If the toilet is NOT able to be flushed, it can still be used. This is less stressful for most people than using some other container. Remove all the bowl water. Line it with a heavy-duty plastic bag. When finished, add a small amount of deodorant or disinfectant, securely tie the bag, and dispose of it in a large trash can with a tight fitting lid. This large trash can should also be lined with a sturdy trash bag. Eventually, the city will provide a means to dispose of these bags.

Portable camp toilets, small trash cans or sturdy buckets lined with heavy-duty plastic bags can also be used. Those with tight fitting lids are best.
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Post by Readymom »


Department of Homeland Security, National Terror Alert Response Center

Emergency Sewage Disposal

Water flush toilets cannot be used when water service is interrupted. The water remaining in the fixture is not sufficient to flush the wastes down the sewer. Clogging may result and your living conditions then become just that much more uncomfortable.

Even if water is available, local authorities may ask you ... --- CONTINUED---


Temporary Toilet Provisions
Emergency Sewage Storage
Solutions for Apartment Dwellers
Controlling Odors and Insects
Other Supplies
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Bucket Toilets & Lime

Post by Readymom »

Originally Posted by Pegasus, AFT

* Link Unavailable. This site is no longer active and available to view on line. But the info was good and we wanted to keep sharing it!

Try using garden lime (not the little green citrus fruit) to control odor and aid decomposition of solid waste in your emergency toilet facility (bucket). Use just enough to cover the waste. If you are dumping the waste into another container or hole in the ground, then by all means rinse your bucket with a bleach solution. There should not be a high enough ammonia concentration in your urine to cause any more damage than plain bleach and it will be a LOT more user-friendly for the next person.
Be sure you are working in a well ventilated area. During a time of respiratory illness (or any time for that matter) the last thing you need is to burn the lining of your lungs with chlorine fumes - this also goes for the dry powder folks are getting for water purification.
If you have a cat or know someone who has a cat, consider using the 5-gallon type buckets that some cat litter comes in. You can rig it to use your regular toilet seat for seating (or purchase a spare in advance when someplace has a sale). I have a bucket filled with several rolls of toilet paper, a bunch of plastic trash bags for bucket liners (easier waste removal & transport), a bottle of bleach, a small box of tissues, and a bottle of hand sanitizer. Be sure to save the bucket lid! You'll want to be able to cover the bucket both while in storage and during times of need.
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flush toilet into an emergency toilet

Post by Readymom »


How To Convert a Regular Toilet Into An Emergency Toilet

Converting a regular toilet to emergency toilet is easy, cheap and could bring some normality into any disaster situation.

I am sharing this as I think this could just make a personal or full blown disaster have some normality. Hygiene will be paramount to survival along side food and water… Take advantage of having a toilet and keep the bucket at bay for a while!

Firstly ... ---CONTINUED at LINK, above---
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