Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own

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Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own

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Medicinal Herbs


Top 5 Favorite Medicinal Herbs

Whether you grow your own herbs or buy them, these are my top 5 favorite medicinal herbs to have on hand. I am NOT a doctor! These herbs are not substitutes for a doctor's medical advice! They are simple herbs, usually in capsule or tea form, that can be purchased at your local grocery or health food store. (Continued at link, above!)
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Re: Alternate Medicines: Medicinal Herbs

Post by Readymom »

Natural Remedy Helps for Swine Flu
Disclaimer: These are intended for your research. This EHP site is NOT responsible for your implementing these into your course of action against the flu!


Wilderness Medicine and Disaster Preparedness

Going Natural: Coconut Milk Can Kick Swine Flu Backside


Now this advice is not meant to replace going to your primary care professional. Far from it. In fact, so far from it that you could travel to Pluto and back before reaching it. If you begin to experience any of the symptoms of the H1N1, the first thing you need to do is get yourself to the hospital or make an appointment with your primary care physician.

So, instead of replacing professional medical advice, this post is just meant to provide you with some additional tools by which you can strengthen your immune system to fight off infections. Having said that, let's get down to it:

To begin, I have come across a number of reputable natural products, which deserve acknowledgment here. I must state that I am not in any way trying to promote the sale of these supplements or have any monetary invested interest in them.

I just want to mention that studies have been done that show the efficacy of these agents in helping the body naturally handle viruses.

-snip- ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Alternate Medicines: Medicinal Herbs

Post by Readymom »

Natural Pain Medicine

Survival Topics.Com

The Greatest Wilderness Medicine that You can Make

Bark and Aspirin
The inner bark contains the compound related to aspirin. In the spring and early summer the bark will easily peel from trees in long sheets. At other times of the year you can scrape bark off the tree stems and branches using your survival knife.

Since ancient times certain tree barks have been well known for their properties of reducing fever, pain, and inflammation. A special ingredient contained in these barks is one of the most potent pain killers in nature.

Fever, muscle aches, osteoarthritis, headache, menstrual cramps, arthritis and inflammations including bursitis, tendonitis, and traumas such as a sprain can all be treated with a dose of natural salicin made from the bark of these trees

In the 1800's scientists were able to extract and identify salicin as the potent pain killing medicine found in the bark of these trees, and then went on to develop and market a synthetic version called acetylsalicylic acid which we have come to know as 'Aspirin'.

The most commonly used medicine in the world is aspirin. In fact, every year throughout the world some 90 million pounds (40 million kilograms) of aspirin are taken. Even though most of us now use the synthetic version of salicin for our aches and pains, the potent pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory medicine contained in tree bark is no less valuable.

In a wilderness survival setting, knowing how to harvest and use the salicin in tree bark is the most valuable natural medicine knowledge you can have.

Trees that Contain Salicin

Salicin concentrates in the inner bark of trees and shrubs related to willows which include: . . . --- continued at link, above ---
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Re: Alternate Medicines: Medicinal Herbs

Post by Readymom »

Weeds-10 Weeds Than Can Heal


10 common weeds that can heal you

. . . . weeds – found in your own yard – can be used to help heal sicknesses, burns, sores and other ailments. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Alternate Medicines: Medicinal Herbs & Plants

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4 Easy Medicinal Plants you can grow

Image As preppers we should seek to become more self-reliant. Producing/growing your own medicine is another way to do that. I have four medicinal plants anyone can grow: Aloe Vera, Peppermint, Garlic, and Sage. As with any product used for Medicinal Reasons please CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR if you think you might have complications from using any of the plants below. I am not giving medical advice only hard research from reliable sources. Please see the links at the bottom of the page for more information on each of these plants. --- CONTINUED at LINK, above ---
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Re: Alternate Medicines: Medicinal Herbs & Plants

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10 Must Have Medicinal Herbs

Image With a strong drive towards a return to a more natural way of living, medicinal herbs are growing in popularity as gardeners come to recognize the true benefits of growing their own medicinal treatments versus relying on over-the-counter or prescription concerns for something that can easily be remedied naturally.

For thousands of years medicinal herbs were all that humans had to cure their ailments, which often led to a fair amount of trial and error. The result of all of these years of trial and error is that we now have a solid idea as to what types of medicinal herbs we can take for particular health concerns. Some herbs, such as peppermint, have long been known for their abilities to soothe aching bellies and of course help to freshen breath. You may just be surprised at some of the other types of benefits that can be garnered by growing your own herbs. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Alternate Medicines: Medicinal Herbs & Plants

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Natural Remedies: Respiratory Infections


7 Natural Ways to Soothe a Respiratory Infection

Image .... (snip) ... below is a list of 10 plants and herbs that can help to heal respiratory infections, boost lung health, and repair pulmonary damage. Keep in mind that none of these are surefire cures, but they have been known to help with such ailments. --- CONTINUED at LINK, above ---
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Re: Alternate Medicines: Medicinal Herbs & Plants

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The Healing Properties of Catnip Tea | Survival Fitness

Catnip, or Nepeta Cataria, is a fragrant-smelling plant that belongs to the mint family. Its dried leaves are processed to provide a number of healing properties for problems such as nervousness, restlessness, flatulence, stress and pain. Experiments on the use of catnip tea are inconclusive however no health risk is involved when it is taken in small doses.

The Healing Properties of Catnip Tea

Herbalists say that both catnip roots and leaves provide health benefits, however, the effects are said to differ for each. While the leaves relieve nervous disorders, the roots function as a stimulant. Catnip is known to contain the following chemicals: dipentene, citral, choline, buteric acid, biotin and acetic acid. Additional constituents of this herb are Vitamin A, Vitamin B, valeric acid, sulfur, sodium, phosphorous, para-aminobenzoic acid, pantothenic acid, nepetallic acid, manganese, limonene, lifronella inositol and folic acid. ... CONTINUED at LINK, above ...
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Re: Alternate Medicines: Medicinal Herbs & Plants

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30 Medicinal Plants That Could Save Your Life

Living out in the wild, you’ll come across all kinds of medicinal plants and medicinal herbs that can be used for many different purposes, as long as you know where to look and how to use them.

Many plants are beneficial not only for food, but can be used as medicine as well.

Plants can be used to soothe all sorts of ailments. Everything from skin rash, arthritis, cold, fever, diarrhea, migraines, and everything in between can be treated with some kind of plant that can be found growing naturally in many different areas.

Cultures all over the world have been using plants for their medicinal properties for centuries, long before medicine was bottled and sold in pill form. ... CONTINUED at LINK, above ...
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Re: Alternate Medicines: Medicinal Herbs & Plants

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Willow Tree: Salicin (Aspirin)


You Pass by This Plant Everyday Without Knowing How to Use It When SHTF

When there are no doctors about and all pharmacies are closed, how do you cope with pain? Fortunately, Mother Nature has given us a great analgesic in the form of salicin.

Salicin, is a naturally occurring compound found in the bark of Willow trees, most famously the White Willow. Salicin was originally used as the starting material in the creation of commercial Aspirin or acetylsalicylic acid. Today the process is synthesized on an industrial scale, but the analgesic effects of man-made aspirin, can be created naturally. In our bodies salicin is metabolized by the liver to salicylic acid. It is the salicylic acid, which acts in a similar way to commercial Aspirin.

There are a lot of advantages to using ‘natural aspirin’ or salicin. Firstly ... CONTINUED at LINK above ...
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Medicinal Plants

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This Common Driveway Weed is One of Nature’s Most Powerful Survival Plants

Plantain, not to be confused with the banana type fruit, also called Plantain, is a plant which can be found almost anywhere. In fact, if you’re not living in the city, it’s kind of hard not to bump into it.

Plantain it’s super nutritious, easy to identify, has no poisonous look-alikes and it is used as medicine. ---CONTINUED---

Medicinal Uses:
Dishes and Medical Recipes With Plantain:
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Re: Medicinal Plants

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The Only Plant That Should Be in Your First Aid Kit-"Elephant's Ear"

Mullein, formally known as verbascum thapsus, is often times called velvet plant or elephant’s ear due to the hairy leaves that are, rather than being prickly as are most fuzzy looking plants, quite soft and supple.

This herb can be found abundantly in most environments, even where no one intended it to grow, and like many plants that people call weeds, it has many uses in everyday life and particularly in survival situations. In taking a look back at how our forefathers used mullein, we can get a good idea of how it could help us if the world as we know it comes to an end. ---CONTINUED---

Practical Uses
Medical Applications
In the Garden
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Re: Medicinal Plants

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23 Medicinal Plants the Native Americans Used on a Daily Basis

Native Americans are renowned for their medicinal plant knowledge. It is rumored they first started using plants and herbs for healing after watching animals eat certain plants when they were sick. In order to protect these plants from over harvesting, the medicine men used to pick every third plant they found.

The Native Americans had a spiritual view of life, and to be healthy, a person had to have a sense of purpose and follow a righteous, harmonious, and balanced path in life. They believed some illnesses were life lessons the person needed to learn and that they shouldn’t interfere. Many modern remedies and medicines are based on the Native American knowledge of the different plants and herbs they used for thousands of years. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Alternate Medicines: Medicinal Herbs & Plants

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Preparedness – Homegrown Medicinals

(SNIP) ... With many medicinal herbs now being outlawed in Europe, and increasing odds that the US is likely to follow Europe's lead (thank you, Big Pharma), I've been learning more about plants that I can grow in my own yard for medicinal purposes. You'd be surprised at how useful “weeds” can be. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Alternate Medicines: Medicinal Herbs & Plants

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Herbal Antibiotics – Using Herbs to Fight Infection and Speed Healing

Herbal antibiotics have long been used by herbal healers to ward off colds and flu, clear infections and speed wound healing. Now, they may be moving back into the mainstream as an alternative for bacteria that have become resistant to synthetic antibiotics. This post is based on the book “Herbal Antibiotics” by Stephen Harrod Buhner, and related materials. We'll start with some background information and then discuss antibiotic herbs and their use. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Medicinal Plants

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Milk Thistle Benefits – The Gentle Liver Tonic Everyone Should Know

My introduction to milk thistle (Silybum marianum) came via Baker Creek Heirloom seeds, who sent me a free packet of milk thistle seed with my order several years ago. Since then, it's become a perennial part of my garden, as I allow a few volunteers to mature each year. My big old bumblebees love milk thistles just as much as they love the rest of the wild thistles. In those post we'll cover milk thistle benefits, how to use milk thistle seeds, and possible milk thistle side effects. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Alternate Medicines: Medicinal Herbs & Plants

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The Most Powerful Natural Antibiotics Known to Mankind

Post a reply The-Most-Powerful-Antibiotics-Known-to-Mankind Before the 1920s, when Alexander Fleming first discovered penicillin, western medicine had no effective treatment for infection.

(SNIP) ... information about natural remedies has been lost.

(SNIP) ... it is the whole plant, or plant part, that is most effective, and causes the fewest side effects. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Alternate Medicines: Medicinal Herbs & Plants

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Similar to Morphine: The Best Natural Painkiller that Grows in Your Backyard

Foraging for Medical Plants 5a4f1aa1ca5e4b48218e7fec5fa9df08 From injury to disease, pain is a very common ailment or symptom that can take down the toughest of the tough. It’s so prevalent that we are seeing a major epidemic with opiate dependency. Unfortunately, with so many needing to find relief, it’s leading to a large portion of our population becoming dependent on a chemical bandage, often just masking the problem, rather than fixing the cause.

Unfortunately, it’s getting so widespread that the medical field view many of those in real need as “seekers”. So, instead of getting relief from tangible pain, people are being turned away. As a result, they are finding it illegally, and pain clinics and rehabs are popping up all over, trying to combat the addiction. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Alternate Medicines: Medicinal Herbs & Plants

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6 Wild Healing Plants You Should Use

Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own 6-wild-healing-plants-you-should-use Nature provides us with everything we need in order to survive and there are a few wild plants that are commonly used as first aid. These wild healing plants are well-known for their healing properties. Those living off the grid have been using them for years.

If you get stranded in the wild or if you plan to live off-grid learn how to find the following wild healing plants. You could use them until professional medical help would be available. Some of these wild healing plants are already available in your garden or living area. Most people see them only as invasive weeds, without having a clue about their healing benefits. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Alternate Medicines: Medicinal Herbs & Plants

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The Most Useful Methods To Prepare Medicinal Herbs

Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own The-Most-Useful-Methods-To-Prepare-Medicinal-Herbs Herbal medicine has been around for centuries and it helped mankind survive through harsh time. Although the modern folks are encouraged to buy top-brand medicine, this ancient healing knowledge is still widely practiced in many communities around the world. In fact, medicinal herbs will still be here, long after the collapse of modern society. We should all learn how to take advantage of these healing herbs. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Alternate Medicines: Medicinal Herbs & Plants

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Top 10 Medicinal Herbs For Your Garden

Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own Preppers-Will-Top-10-Medicinal-Herbs-for-your-garden Herbal medicine has been around for centuries. Although people are encouraged to buy modern medicine, this ancient healing knowledge is still widely practiced. Medicinal herbs will still be here, long after the collapse of modern society. We should all learn how to take advantage of these healing herbs. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Alternate Medicines: Medicinal Herbs & Plants

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20 Herbal Remedies For The Winter Season

Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own 20-Herbal-Remedies-for-the-Winter-Season While the winter season brings joy to both young and old as families come together, it also brings some health problems we shouldn’t ignore. We are all familiar with the common cold and the flu. The following herbal remedies will help you deal with all the issues the cold season may bring. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Alternate Medicines: Medicinal Herbs & Plants

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Just Like Doxycycline: The Antibiotic That Grows in Your Backyard

Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own Usnea-Is-There-a-Natural-Antibiotic-Growing-in-Your-Backyard-890x395_c (SNIP) ... You might be wondering if natural and homegrown antibiotics could cause side effects or be harmful to certain people? Sure, just like prescription antibiotics, there can be side effects. However, unlike more commonly known prescription antibiotics, usnea can be completely natural without unhealthy chemicals…and you might even be able to find it right in your own backyard. You may also want to check if these extremely powerful natural antibiotics that are little known to mankind grow around your house.

Usnea is a fairly common and intriguing lichen found in many forests and woods across the world. A lichen is defined by Merriam-Webster as: “any numerous complex plantlike organisms made up of an alga or a cyanobacterium and a fungus growing in symbiotic association on a solid surface (such as on a rock or the bark of trees).” The usnea lichen, which has a body with a netted hair-like texture, is developed through a mutual relationship between fungus and algae. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Alternate Medicines: Medicinal Herbs & Plants

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10 Potent Plants That Kill Pain Fast

Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own Similar-to-Morphine-The-Best-Natural-Painkiller-that-Grows-in-Your-Backyard-1-890x395_c (SNIP)... Today we are going to talk about food that kills pain fast and you will be surprised to discover that these plants are actually at your fingertips. You’ll learn how to use them to fight aches, sickness and even mood swings. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Alternate Medicines: Medicinal Herbs & Plants

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Marigold Extract to Keep in Your Medicine Cabinet (with pictures)

Post a reply Diy-esential-oils-with-calendula-890x395_c With both antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, the fresh petals can be infused in boiling water, then cooled to clean minor wounds and treat conditions such as mouth ulcers or sore gums. Gargling with the infusion can soothe a sore throat and rolling a ball of petals between your fingers and applying directly to insect bites or nettle stings can be really effective in numbing the discomfort. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Alternate Medicines: Medicinal Herbs & Plants

Post by Readymom »


5 Medicinal Plants that My Grandmother Grew in Her Backyard

Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own 5-Medicinal-Plants-that-My-Grandmother-Grew-in-Her-Backyard-6-890x395_c Granny was a farmer. She and Papa had a small farm and grew most of their food. They purchased flour, coffee, and sugar, but most other foods came from the farm. She also had a medicinal garden and grew her medicines there. I don’t remember her ever going to the doctor, but I’m sure she did for major illnesses.

Her medicinal garden included these five plants that she believed in. She also used garlic, onion, and other herbs that she grew in her vegetable garden. These five were grown for medicinal use only and she taught me to use them as well. They were the basis of our everyday medicine. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Alternate Medicines: Medicinal Herbs & Plants

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Lemon Balm Benefits and Growing Tips

Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own Lemon-balm-plant I’ve seen lots of information floating around the internet touting the benefit of growing lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) on your porch as a means of repelling mosquitoes, and while that is one of the lemon balm benefits, it also has a variety of other uses. Let’s take a look at them and how they can be a useful addition to any homesteader’s garden. ... CONTINUNED ...

Medical Benefits
Culinary Uses of Lemon Balm
In the Garden
Other Uses
How to Grow Lemon Balm
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Re: Alternate Medicines: Medicinal Herbs & Plants

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12 Wild Medicinal Plants You Should Harvest This Fall

When you think of herbal remedies and medicinal herbs modern natural healing may come to mind. Using wild medicine is a key to staying away from the onslaught of modern medicine so sometimes it can seem like a modern answer to good health. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Medicinal Plants

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How To Identify and Process Wild Lettuce For Natural Pain Relief

When someone first hears about Wild Lettuce, they usually begin asking questions.

The first two questions are usually “what the heck is wild opium lettuce?” and “why should I care”?

But, once you understand all the benefits of wild lettuce, more questions come to mind.

“Is it legal,” “how do you find it in the wild” and “how is it processed?”

That’s the goal if this article – to provide you with detailed answers to each of these questions. ---CONTINUED---

Specifically, this article will cover the following topics.

What Is Wild Lettuce
The Legality Of Wild Lettuce
The Applications Of Wild Lettuce
How To Use Wild Lettuce
How To Process Wild Lettuce
Identifying Wild Lettuce In Nature
How To Grow Wild Lettuce
Survival Uses For Wild Lettuce
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Re: Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own

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The Benefits of Red Raspberry Leaf tea

Red raspberry leaf tea benefits are one of my favorite things to talk about. It’s the first herb I really learned in depth. It all started when I was pregnant & sparked my love affair with herbalism.

This is surprisingly common, as it’s considered the pregnancy herb and many women want to better their health when they find out they are pregnant.

There are so many benefits of red raspberry leaf tea that it should really be a staple in most households. It’s great for women’s health, especially when trying to conceive, pregnant or to help alleviate period discomforts.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that men are excluded, as it definitely has benefits for them too. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own

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The Best Natural Sleeping Pill That You Can Grow In Your Backyard

(SNIP) ... there is an all-natural alternative that is proven to work for most people without harmful side-effects?

Valerian root, Valeriana officinalis, also known as tobacco root, is a well known herbal supplement used to treat anxiety. However, at proper doses, it makes the user relaxed and drowsy while encouraging high-quality, uninterrupted sleep.

(SNIIP) ... Valerian grows wild and is sometimes considered invasive, so it requires very little care to grow successfully. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own

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7 Herbal Remedies You Should Have In Your Arsenal

(SNIP) ... For preppers, the importance of learning to use herbal remedies is that if the time ever came when traditional medicines were not available, sickness would spread and we would be left on our own to treat even the most common viral and bacterial infections.

What are these herbs and how do you use them?

In today’s article I call upon the expertise of Sally Thomas who has compiled a list of her favorite herbal remedies along with how to make them as well as special applications for children. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own

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Health Benefits of Garlic: The Medicinal Use of Garlic

Garlic (Allium sativum) originated someplace in Central Asia and has since spread and diversified throughout the world. So what’s so special about garlic? We all know about its distinctive odor, but did you know the long-proven history of the medicinal use of garlic make it one of the best natural medicines available? ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own

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18 Herbal Remedies for Aches and Pains

For the purpose of this article, herbal remedies for aches and pains are broken down into 4 main categories:
  • Arthritis pain
    General, non-specific pain relief
    Sore throats
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Re: Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own

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Grow Your Own Medicinal Herbs

Herbs have been used for thousands of years as a medicine to help your body heal naturally and effectively. Herbs such as Borage, Yarrow, Cayenne and more can be used to treat infections, fight blood loss, treat sickness and more.Check out this list of common herbs that you might use to help you in an emergency. Knowing how to use herbs to heal your body will help you become more self-sufficient and help you save money. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own

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Grandma Called it Medicine Leaf – Plantain Weed Remedies

Plantain weed is good medicine, from seed to root. In this article, I’ll share how I came to know plantain, and how to use the fresh leaves and dried leaves for natural remedies such as salve and tea. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own

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How To Use Milk Thistle For Inflammation

Milk thistle is one of the best-known herbal remedies, discovered about 2,000 years ago. It is one of those rare herbs that can cure almost everything.

It’s said to decrease aging while controlling diabetes and benefiting the liver. It’s specifically known to reduce inflammation. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own

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Purslane: The Omega-3 You Can Grow for Free!

I was at the farmers market a few years ago checking out the seasonal greens. I noticed a lovely display of a succulent-type plant that looked exactly like a weed I’d been pulling out of my garden by the wheelbarrow loads for the last week.

It was selling for $6 a pound and people were lining up for it. Well, I bought a bag full and took it home to compare with the stuff that was swallowing my garden beds. Yep—exact match!

After that I did more research and discovered that the weed—oops, I mean “green”—was purslane. From that moment on, I stopped weeding it and started eating it—chopped in salads, sauteed with other greens, pureed in smoothies, mixed with bean dishes, and more. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own

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$0 Alternatives to Pain Meds

When you are in pain, you need fast relief. But pain medicines have side effects that you may want to avoid, and now we are possibly facing shortages of drugs. One solution that I have found is using herbs for pain relief.

Most people are unaware of the pain-relieving qualities of herbs that are readily available across the United States. You probably have most of these growing near you. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own

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11 Herbal Alternatives to Antibiotics

Oftentimes, the world’s best medications are not the ones developed in labs, but rather the ones made by Mother Nature. For thousands of years, mankind has relied on various herbs to treat a wide range of conditions.

While the advent of antibiotics drastically reduced the popularity of these herbal alternatives, they still remain effective to this day and are starting to enjoy more popularity as many diseases have grown resistant to antibiotics. ---CONTINUED---

:arrow: CROSS POSTED in Medical Concerns :: Medicines :: Antibiotics
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Re: Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own

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Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Benefits

The perennial red raspberry plant (rubus idaeus) is native to North and South America, Asia and Europe. The tea leaf contains vitamins A, B, C and D, as well as phophorous, potassium, calcium and is a rich source of iron. The tea has been long known to have potent anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. The alkoloid, fragine, in red raspberry leaves is known for its ability to tone muscles of the uterus and pelvic area, making it effective in reducing pain when giving birth. In addition to being beneficial to pregnant women, red raspberry leaf tea is used for various other health issues. ---CONTINUED---

During Pregnancy
Menstrual Cramps
Gastrointestinal Benefits
Cold Symptoms
Other Uses
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Re: Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own

Post by Readymom »


5 Herbs That Will Relieve Your Joint Pain

These are the top five herbs that I recommend for joint pain. There are many others that work equally well. Any herb that reduces inflammation and is high in anti-oxidants will help joint pain, but these have other properties that increase the healing effects on the joints. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own

Post by Readymom »


Wild Lettuce: Natural Pain Killer– Identification, Use, and Preparation

(SNIP) ... There are literally thousands of plants that have a modicum of medicinal value, but those that provide pain relief have always been regarded very highly. One such plant, that is often at the top of many peoples’ list as it offers excellent pain relieving properties is Lactuca Virosa, also known as the wild lettuce or opium lettuce. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own

Post by Readymom »


15 Medicinal Herbs for Natural Pain Relief

Although I think it’s a good idea to stock up on OTC medicines, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have any natural medicines as well. OTC medicine has an expiration date, but you can grow fresh medicinal herbs year after year, making them a great option for people who want to live off the grid or at least be a little more self-sufficient.

(SNIP) ... One type of medication that people will miss more than any other in a grid-down scenario is painkillers, so pain relief is going to be the main focus of this list. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own

Post by Readymom »


Medicinal uses of garlic

One of the greatest gifts of natural medicine that can be found on this earth is garlic, or Allium sativum. It has been used as a natural remedy for thousands of years. It has antibacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral properties. It is also an antioxidant and an immune stimulant. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own

Post by Readymom »


8 Reasons To Leave A Purslane Weed Growing

You’ve likely seen this little weed before. It’s called purslane, and it commonly grows along the edge of walkways and in between patio stones. If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably been pulling out this weed for years. However, the next time you see purslane sprouting up somewhere, don’t kill it! There are many surprising health benefits to this little plant. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own

Post by Readymom »


14 Survival Trees You Can Forage For Medicine

Perhaps most people think of herbs, when it comes to creating natural medicinal products.

However, the world is surrounded by plenty of trees that can also be used to make powerful medicines to help aid in our health, without destroying the tree. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own

Post by Readymom »

The Herbal Apothecary: 100 Medicinal Herbs and How to Use Them

Start your path to natural wellness with the safe, trusted advice found in The Herbal Apothecary. With the guidance of naturopath JJ Pursell, you will learn how to safely create your own remedies using plants you know and love. Incorporating traditional wisdom and scientific information, The Herbal Apothecary provides an accessible and comprehensive introduction to plant-based medicine. It features profiles of the 100 of the most important medicinal plants that include information on medicinal uses, identification and cultivation, and recipes for common concerns. Additional information includes step-by-step instructions for making herbal teas, tinctures, compresses, salves, and more. This comprehensive guide includes treatments for men, women, and children that address a variety of concerns including muscle strain, the flu, the common cold, insomnia, anxiety, and much more.

:arrow: CROSS POSTED Here: Medical Books to Have on Hand
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Re: Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own

Post by Readymom »


Why Knowing How to Use Plantain Is Like Carrying a First Aid Kit Around in Your Pocket

(SNIP) .... Herbalists believe it to be one of the best, most readily available herbs for a variety of first aid applications and chronic health problems. Plantain herb is also a nutritious edible full of calcium and high amounts of vitamins A, C and K. It can be prepared in myriad ways for medicinal use. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Medicinal Herbs & Plants-Forage or Grow Your Own

Post by Readymom »


15 Medicinal Herbs for Natural Pain Relief

(SNIP) ... One type of medication that people will miss more than any other in a grid-down scenario is painkillers, so pain relief is going to be the main focus of this list. You won’t find anything as strong as Vicodin below, but if nothing else these herbs can make the pain more tolerable.

Here, then, are 15 medicinal herbs that are natural painkillers. ---CONTINUED---
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