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Re: Misc. Medical Supplies

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2016 3:56 pm
by Readymom
Home Made Bandages

Survival Tip: Making a Nonadherent Dressing

Image Hey there. Here's an interesting tip from Eric A. Weiss, MD. He wrote Wilderness and Travel Medicine, a comprehensive guide that fits in your pocket. It's also great for bug out bags and emergency kits.

Here's the doctor's Weiss Advice on making a nonadherent dressing: ... CONTINUED at link, above ...

Re: Misc. Medical Supplies

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2018 6:06 pm
by Readymom

Bandages That Should Be In Your Bug-Out Bag

First aid in an emergency situation should never be overlooked. Even the smallest cut can get infected and could potentially turn fatal. This is why you should always be prepared with bandages and ointment. When deciding which bandage you should pack for your first aid kit in a bug-out bag, here are some things you should consider: ---CONTINUED---


Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2019 3:55 pm
by Readymom

Improvised Bandage Material

You can make a continuous roll of bandaging material from a t-shirt simply by cutting it in a spiral pattern. ---CONTINUED---

Re: Bandages

Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2022 3:52 pm
by Readymom

Home Made ACE Bandages Crochet Or Knit Pattern DIY Project

How to make homemade ace bandages. Crochet or knit these bandages and you will have them when you need them. These bandages will serve more purpose than ace bandages as they will work with poultice and such and let the wound breathe. ---CONTINUED---