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Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 3:12 pm
by Readymom
Hat Tip: Image to rick1, over at EHP-D:


Goldenrod: A Miracle Wild Food Source

It’s the season for goldenrod! Actually, every season is the season for goldenrod. This versatile plant can be harvested at any time of year, and every portion of the plant can be consumed. As a tea or tincture, in a soup, done in an egg topping, used in a batter or mixed with French toast ingredients, goldenrod imparts a modifying flavour to foods, and is excellent in combination with vegetables like asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and even turnips or rutabagas. It stores well, and can be used dried, powdered, frozen, pickled or fresh. In short, goldenrod is a wonderful survival food as well as nutritious meal component. ---CONTINUED at LINK, above---