Automobiles & Other Vehicles (Trucks,SUVs, etc.)

Gas is at a minimum or not available. You need to 'get around', get water, wood, other supplies. How do you do it? How do you maintain 'alternate transporation'?
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Automobiles & Other Vehicles (Trucks,SUVs, etc.)

Post by Readymom »

Top 10 Vehicles for Your EMP Survival


Top 10 Vehicles for Your EMP Survival

(snip) The advantages of having a working vehicle after an EMP attack are obvious. If you live in an urban or suburban area you’re almost certainly going to want to bug out as soon as you can. Social breakdown will make these districts very dangerous places to be, and the more prepared you are the more of a target you’ll be for organized looters or desperate people who want your gear to improve their own chances. Heading out on foot has its own dangers though. You’re seriously limited in how much gear you can carry – 50 pounds is a realistic load, and that won’t be comfortable. If you’re an ex-infantryman who doesn’t mind going slowly and hurting a lot you can double that, but it still isn’t a lot when your long-term survival depends on it. You’ll also be vulnerable to attack, and unable to get away from trouble in a hurry unless you abandon your load. ... CONTINUED at LINK, above ...
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Re: Automobiles & Other Vehicles (Trucks,SUVs, etc.)

Post by Readymom »


7 Items To Stockpile To Keep Your Car Running After An EMP

Automobiles & Other Vehicles (Trucks,SUVs, etc.) 7-Items-to-Stockpile-to-Keep-Your-Car-Running-After-an-EMP-2-890x395_c (SNIP) ... it is possible to have your car work after the EMP is gone. With a few simple preparations, you could be the only one on your block who is still driving, when everyone else is walking. For, as one engineer put it, “What one man can break, another can remake.” All it takes is having the right parts.

Basically, making a car work again, after an EMP requires replacing the damaged electronics. The mechanical parts won’t be damaged at all. So, here’s my list of what you have to have, in order to keep your car running after an EMP: ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Automobiles & Other Vehicles (Trucks,SUVs, etc.)

Post by Readymom »


The Lifer Prepper BOV

You want a really cool bug out vehicle, but can’t afford it. Besides, your current ride does the job just fine getting the kids around, or getting you to the work site. You see what the experts recommend, but wonder to yourself, “Why can’t my modern day, electronically controlled ______ work for me?” ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Automobiles & Other Vehicles (Trucks,SUVs, etc.)

Post by Readymom »

Info on Winter Vehicle Kits & Bags with Winter Supplies can be found here:

Winter Supplies for Bags
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Re: Automobiles & Other Vehicles (Trucks,SUVs, etc.)

Post by Readymom »


How to Prepare Your Truck for TEOTWAWKI

(SNIP) ... You don’t have to wait years to receive your apocalypse-ready truck. Build one yourself with a little elbow grease instead!

This guide will cover everything you need to know to build a vehicle you can bug-out in. Let’s get started… ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Automobiles & Other Vehicles (Trucks,SUVs, etc.)

Post by Readymom »


5 Vehicles That Can Handle An EMP Attack

Preppers are interested in what will work and why. This article will deal with vehicles that can survive an EMP attack.

(Snip) ...This is just my way of thinking about the purpose of SHTF-EMP vehicles. I define the categories according to what your needs are, and which vehicles will suit those needs best.

My categories are:

General Workhorses
Long Distance People Movers
Specialist Climbers
Speed Freaks
Hardcore Tactical SHTF Vehicles ---CONTINUED---
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