Hydroponic Gardening

Prices are soaring. Product shortages. You've lost your job. Stores are Closed. Whatever your reason for needing a garden, there's a lot to know. A lot to learn. So many different types of gardens-bed, square-food gardens, tire gardens, window gardens. Find out more here.
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Hydroponic Gardening

Post by Readymom »


Hydroponic Gardening: No Soil Required

Can you grow a garden in the winter without soil? Yes, it is entirely possible to grow a garden in the winter without soil. In fact, you can grow a garden in the winter without these things, using an increasingly popular technique called “hydroponics.” Hydroponics is an indoor soil-free gardening technique that has been used for thousands of years and allows the gardener to have complete and total control of their garden’s environment. With the hydroponics gardening alternative, you can grow just about any type of bountiful garden during those cold winter months right within your own home – even in your home's kitchen.

If you’ve ever put a plant clipping into a glass of water, in hopes it will develop roots, you have practiced a form of hydroponics.

Hydroponic GardeningWhat Exactly is Hydroponics?

Hydroponics is essentially a branch of agriculture where plants are grown without the use of soil. ---CONTINUED at LINK---
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Re: Hydroponic Gardening

Post by Readymom »


Hydroponic Seed Starting 101: A Primer for Beginners

Many people skip starting their own seeds because of the time and effort to get them started, but there are some great reasons to start your own seeds hydroponically. It’s so much easier to just go to the store to pick up some seedlings to pop into your system and get growing, right? Well, store-bought seedlings do have some downsides that can be avoided if you start your own.

The first is that ... ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Hydroponic Gardening

Post by Readymom »


Hydroponic Gardening for Beginners

Hydroponic gardening is a method of growing plants without soil using nutrient-rich water.

(SNIP) ... Just like any type of gardening, there is a learning curve to hydroponic gardening. Fortunately, that learning curve isn’t too steep.

You can learn the ins and outs of hydroponic gardening and get growing in a matter of days! Today, we are covering the basics to get you started.   ---CONTINUED ---
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