Grab-n-Go Binder

There may be times when you need to be prepared to leave home. Would you be ready? What would you take? What about Pets? Can you gather it all quickly? How much do you need? What do you need to do to your home to leave it for an indefinite amount of time?
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Grab-n-Go Binder

Post by Readymom »

Grab-n-Go Binder


A Prepping Essential: The Grab-n-Go Binder

In panic situations, which happen around my house quite often, actually, people lose their wits. The extra adrenaline produced by the human body during times of intense stress, causes confusion and can even cause some of the same symptoms as a heart attack.

Can you imagine the level of adrenaline in your body if you suddenly got news of a dangerous chemical spill in your area or that a wildfire had taken an abrupt turn toward your neighborhood? Officials tell you to evacuate now. Besides the kids, what do you pack up first?

A Grab-and-Go Binder is a vital part of any family preparedness plan, and is one of the first things you should put together. This binder will contain all of your most critical information in one place for any type emergency, even if it's .... ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Grab-n-Go Binder

Post by Readymom »

Emergency Notebooks


Emergency Notebooks
(new link)

I'm putting together a couple of notebooks (might turn into more). The first is a Grab and Go Emergency notebook with copies of important documents in it. I'm thinking to make a second copy and leave it at my mom's house or something so if my house burns to the ground while I'm away, I still have access to my information. Here's a long ol' list I got from a preparedness fair of what to put in it (most of these I don't even have, so they aren't going in mine, but I guess as you get older you get more of this stuff):


Proof of Identification
Property Records
Insurance Policies
Medical Information
Estate Planning
Financial Records
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Re: Grab-n-Go Binder

Post by Readymom »

Disaster Preparedness BInder


Disaster Preparedness Binder

Evacuate- Are you ready?

The knock comes at your front door. A fireman tells you that you have 20 minutes to evacuate. The wild fire has been burning for several hours now and is headed your way. Panic sets in. What should you take with you? What should you do next?

A disaster preparedness binder will help! --- continued at link, above ---
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Re: Grab-n-Go Binder

Post by Readymom »


Documents to Keep On Hand During An Emergency

Part of being prepared for emergency situations is having everything ready to put your life back together, should something happen. You have insurance, food, water, and financial savings. However, to rebuild your life once the emergency is over, you need to have other measures in place.

A collection of important documents is one of the most important parts of your emergency preparedness plan. These documents need to be compiled together in a binder or portable file system and kept in a safe place, preferably locked in a safe that is inaccessible to the outside world. You and 1-2 trusted individuals should be the only people who can access them. (If you don't have somebody you trust, put the information in your will or trust, held by your attorney.) These documents should also be in at least 2 places- your personal safe and inside a bank vault or other trusted institution. Wherever you store these, make sure you can access them in an emergency. ---CONTINUED at LINK ... with list---
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Re: Grab-n-Go Binder

Post by Readymom »


Build your Grab and Go Binder

What would you grab first if there were an evacuation? Your important and hard to replace documents would likely be on the list. If you haven’t done is already, now is a good time to build your “grab and go binder.” ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Grab-n-Go Binder

Post by Readymom »


5 Important Documents Every Prepper Should Have

(SNIP) ... While the exact documents each prepping family may need may vary, there are multiple common types of information and papers that truly need to be preserved. During or after an SHTF, you may need to prove your identity or prove that your children actually belong to you.

Any type of document, address book, map, mortgage, insurance, and banking information you may need during and after a disaster should  be copied and kept in a manner that protects it from fire and the elements.    ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Grab-n-Go Binder

Post by Readymom »

(This site includes pages to download & print for your binder)


What Should Be In A Family Emergency Binder?

Creating a Family Emergency Binder or a Grab and Go binder will help ensure that your entire family is ready for emergencies. So, just like that, with a little advanced planning, you won’t ever have to worry about being without the important information you and your family might need in an emergency.

(SNIP) ... With this guide, it will be easier to prepare. ---CONTINUED---
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