
The decline in the number of cats and dogs might result in an explosion of rats and mice and other small animal pests. The increase in trash not properly disposed of may increase those pests AND other creepy crawlers. How do we prepare for that possiblity?

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Post by Readymom »

Fleas-Getting Rid of


How to Get Rid of Fleas

Learning about the flea life cycle is the key to getting rid of them.

A simple flea bath or collar isn't going to eradicate fleas on your pet and in your home. Learn the flea life cycle to fine-tune your efforts.

Fleas can make pets' lives miserable, and humans begin to itch just at the thought of them. Part I of this article is to give some insight into the biology of the flea. Why go back to biology? Because the flea life cycle is fairly complex, and understanding the various stages will make it easier to get rid of them.

It is easy to feel defeated when fighting fleas. A multi-pronged approach is necessary to rid your home and pets of these pests. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Fleas

Post by Readymom »

Flea Bites


Is It a Fleabite?: Symptoms and Treatments

Is It a Fleabite?: Symptoms and Treatments
Fleabites bite!

Fleas are tiny, irritating insects. Their bites are itchy and sometimes painful, and getting rid of them is hard. Sometimes professional pest control treatment may be required.

Fleas reproduce quickly, especially if you have pets in the household. But even if you don’t have pets, your yard can potentially play host to fleas, and you may end up with a bunch of mysterious bites. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Fleas

Post by Readymom »

Getting Rid of Fleas


How to Kill Fleas in a Home

Fleas are small, agile insects that live by feeding on the blood of animals. Once fleas are in your home, they can survive in the carpet and on your pets. To kill off the fleas, use an insecticide and vacuum the carpet and upholstered furniture. Also be sure to thoroughly wash your pets. If you take a rigorous approach to ridding your home of fleas, you can completely eradicate the problem within 1 or 2 weeks. ---CONTINUED---
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