
The decline in the number of cats and dogs might result in an explosion of rats and mice and other small animal pests. The increase in trash not properly disposed of may increase those pests AND other creepy crawlers. How do we prepare for that possiblity?

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Post by Readymom »

Snakes-Kinds of


(Info on TREATING snake bites is in the MEDICAL forum!)

The Art of Manliness Guide to Snakes Part 1: Know Thine Enemy

You’ve just been bitten by a snake. Do you know what to do?

Just the sight of a slithering snake can send a shiver down even the manliest spine. And with good reason-with just one nibble, and in only a few hours, these feetless, cold-blooded serpents can snuff out your life. While only 9-15 people in the United States die every year from snake bites, if you don’t know how to treat them correctly, you or your loved one could become part of those statistics. Knowing how to deal with snakes and snakebites is essential man knowledge. ---CONTINUED, at LINK above---
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Re: Snakes

Post by Readymom »


How to Identify Venomous Snakes

A huge part of learning how to become more self-reliant is knowing how to protect yourself against dangerous creatures in the wild. For instance, wild snakes. A question we’ve been asked by one of our customers is, do you know how to identify what snakes are poisonous and those that are not life threatening? Rest assured, it’s easier than you’d think.

According to the Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 7,000 - 8,000 people are bitten by venomous snakes and unfortunatley 5 results in death. This number would be higher if people did not seek medical care 1. It doesn’t matter if you’re working, camping or just outside, being able to identify snakes will hopefully save you from an unwanted hospital visit. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Snakes

Post by Readymom »


What to Do If You Run Into a Snake?

(SNIP) ... What should you do if you run into a snake? In virtually every circumstance your best course of action is just to back away smoothly, but quickly. Never try to handle a snake, and only if the snake presents a definite impediment to movement or an ongoing threat should you attempt to move it out of the way, or dispatch it. ---CONTINUED---
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