Cough Treatment

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Bad Cough? Try Vics Vapor Rub on Your Feet!

Post by Readymom »


Use Vick's Vapo Rub for Cough
* Link Unavailable. This site is no longer active and available to view on line. But the info was good and we wanted to keep sharing it!

Originally posted by (Sunshine) on PlanforPandemic

I am probably nuts to put this here, and boy would my husband kill me because he's a doctor and he's not wild about home remedies, but I've tested this out on 6 moms and all 6 moms have reported 100% positive results.
I had an e-mail from a friend who said if you've got a really bad cough and can't sleep at night to put Vick's Vapo Rub on your feet, put socks on over it, then get under the covers. Most of my friends and my cousin with twins had kids up all night coughing so I forwarded it to them. Every single one of them said that it was amazing, within about 10-15 minutes their kids were sleeping and not coughing. My cousin with the twins told me her and her hubby kept getting up to check on them because they were so quiet!
I went and bought another couple of things of vapo rub to store on hand as my attitude is anything that if that works as well as folks are telling me it is, is worth my having as a back up. I told my husband about it, but I think if he told his patients to go home and rub Vicks on their feet, with socks and go to bed they'd think he'd lost it. (He doesn't support it or refute it as we've not personally had a chance to test it and of course he's not seen anything medically proving this method works. I'm stressing this is a home-made cough remedy.)
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Post by Readymom »


Vicks Vaporub for Cough
* Link Unavailable. This site is no longer active and available to view on line. But the info was good and we wanted to keep sharing it!

Original post by (KimT) at PandemicFluInformation Forum

ok, grandma just emailed me this, have no idea if it works or not.

Grandma cures

Sorry, no graphic for this one, and don't laugh, it works 100% of the time although the scientists at the Canada Research council (who discovered it) aren't sure why.

To stop nighttime coughing in a child (or adult as we found out personally), put Vicks Vaporub generously on the bottom of the feet at bedtime then cover with socks.

Even persistent, heavy, deep coughing will stop in about 5 minutes and stay stopped for many, many hours of relief.

Works 100% of the time and is more effective in children than even very strong prescription cough medicines. In addition it is extremely soothing and comforting and they will sleep soundly.

I heard the head of the Canada Research Council describe these findings on the part of their scientists when they were investigating the effectiveness and usage of prescription cough medicines in children as compared to alternative therapies like accupressure. Just happened to tune in A.M. Radio and picked up this guy talking about why cough medicines in kids often do more harm than good due to the chemical makeup of these strong drugs so, I listened.

It was a surprising finding and found to be more effective than prescribed medicines for children at bedtime, and in addition, to have a soothing and calming effect on sick children who then went on to sleep soundly.

Holly tried it on herself when she had a very deep constant and persistent cough a few weeks ago and it worked 100%! She said that it felt like a warm blanket had enveloped her, coughing stopped in a few minutes and believe me , this was a deep, ( incredibly annoying!) every few seconds uncontrollable cough, and she slept cough free for hours every night that she used it.

:arrow: (trapper)
KimT, you awakened an ancient memory! I remember being very sick when I was really young...less than five. I remember my father putting Vicks on my feet, chest, and under my nose. He put socks on my feet too, I remember he and my mom commenting about the socks because they've always believed that sleeping with socks on will cause a stuffed up nose...and strange as it sounds, it's true with us. I'll buy a few vats of Vicks.
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Re: Bad Cough? Try Vics Vapor Rub on Your Feet!

Post by Readymom »


It is true. Here is a natural recipe for a form of Vicks vapor rub:
* Link Unavailable. This site is no longer active and available to view on line. But the info was good and we wanted to keep sharing it!

Vapor Rub
1/2 teaspoon eucalyptus essential oil
1/8 teaspoon peppermint essential oil
1/8 teaspoon rosemary essential oil
1/8 teaspoon clary sage essential oil
1/4 cup olive oil (I personally think that coconut oil work better, because it is a thicker base and doesn't seep through socks. :shock: Yeah, I could see your child waking up crying, "Mommy, my feet peed to bed.")

Mix ingredients together in a glass bottle (not plastic as the essential
oils will bleed into it making the rub less effective) and shake well.

Massage onto feet.

I have heard that using a blue glass bottle to store it in is better. :wink:

Note: coconut oil doesn't store as well as olive oil after opening. :(

I'm currently working on a rotation with a complementary and alternative medicine doctor. So she's feeding me the goods for natural treatments. :D
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Cough Treatment

Post by Readymom »


How I Make My Own Cough Mixture

Coughs come on many shapes and types. There is the dry cough, the ‘phlegmy cough’, the cough caused by asthma, and the summer hay fever cough. And then the worst type, the cough that won’t go away and keeps you awake at night. If we go to the local pharmacist you can find a cough mixture for just about all of the most common coughs. But what if the pharmacist is shut for good, what can we do to self-treat that cough? I’ll outline some recipes here that can help you with some of the most common types of coughs that are easy to make up at home and effective. --- CONTINUED at LINK, above ---

  • 1. Basic Cough Formula:
    2. The Soothing Cough Mixture:
    3. The Expectorant (and Inflammatory Respiratory Disease) Cough Mixture:
    4. The Cough with a Sore Throat Cough Mixture:
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Re: Cough Treatment

Post by Readymom »


Homemade Cough Medicine Recipes: 11 DIY Solutions

While I appreciate the convenience of OTC cough medicines, there is no reason to turn to these drugs each time you get a nagging cough.

It is surprisingly easy to make an effective homemade cough medicine, and going the DIY route will spare you the harsh, chemical ingredients.

(SNIP) ... To treat cough naturally, you need to achieve these goals: ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Cough Treatment

Post by Readymom »


12 Home Remedies for Cough – Quiet and Soothe Your Hacking Cough

Whether it’s a dry hacking, cough or a little tickling cough that just won’t let up, the right home remedies for cough may be even more effective than commercial cough syrups. In this post we’ll cover some of the most effective cough remedies for children and adults, including croupy cough. Learn how to quiet a cough so you can get some rest and heal.

We've tried just about all of these at one point or another, depending on who's coughing and what type of cough they have. I hope you find them useful as well. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Cough Treatment

Post by Readymom »


Soothe Coughs Naturally with Horehound Peppermint Cough Syrup

(SNIP) ... Similar to my horehound lozenges recipe, this recipe uses simple ingredients that promote natural healing and is a great natural alternative to over-the-counter cough syrup (usually made with corn syrup). What I love about this cough syrup is it quickly calms coughing and breaks down mucus associated with colds with no side effects. For those of you who are sensitive to store-bought cough medicines, this homemade elixir doesn’t make you foggy-headed as some over-the-counter cold medicines can. Best of all, once you whip up a batch of cough syrup, you store it away in the refrigerator for when you are ready to use it. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Cough Treatment

Post by Readymom »


Homemade Cough Syrup: An Easy Recipe For A Natural Remedy

(SNIP) ... DIY cough syrup with the medicinal properties of lime, thyme, and ginger is probably just what you need. And don’t forget about the honey. Honey for coughs and sore throat is probably the original natural remedy.

This homemade cough syrup is effective at reducing symptoms the day it’s made. That’s something that can’t be said of many other home remedies for coughs. Make it right now and in an hour you can be cough-free. ---CONTINUED---
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