Water Storage: Filling Large Containers

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Water Storage: Filling Large Containers

Post by Readymom »

"Filling big water jugs easily indoors:

Filling Big Water Jugs

By Jaden,Pix by Nerisa,19 October 2003

Do you have big water containers, but they don’t fit under the kitchen sink? It takes a long time filling it with a pot.


I’ve had this high tech water jug-filling device for about 1 year. It’s so well designed that it’s never failed….batteries not included. Another Rubie came up with the idea too and did an article. Got thinking about it and decided to do one too. Hey, why not?

Anyway, the last time I checked gravity still worked so why not use it to fill jugs?
Note: Go to the local hardware store and buy a cheap plastic funnel and about 3’ of clear plastic hose. Stick the funnel in the hose and now you have a high tech water jug-filling device.
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