Sewing Supplies

Basic skills that you might need, if you cannot get to a store. How to fix a pair of socks (have you EVER done that before or did you just toss them out and buy a new pair?). Crochet & Knitting skills for blankets, footwear, household items. Lots of uses for an old skill that many don't have anymore.
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Sewing Supplies

Post by Readymom »

Sewing Supplies


The Short List of Essential Off-Grid Sewing Supplies

Image In a grid down situation, sewing may become quite a valuable skill as clothes and furnishings need repaired, rebuilt, or created. Even in everyday life, having the tools and skills to do some sewing repairs can be extremely useful. There are a myriad of sewing tools out there as evidenced by racks of “notions” in even small town sewing shops. But which ones do you really need? Here’s my short list of essential off-grid sewing supplies, and for simplicity, I’m assuming most of us won’t have a treadle sewing machine and will be sewing by hand. --- CONTINUEd at LINK, above ---
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Re: Sewing Supplies

Post by Readymom »


DIY Dollar Store Sewing Kit

The ability to create and repair clothing has been a great benefit to me over the years. I had the foresight to learn to sew when I want a teenager. It was offered in a home-ec class I took. Even though I don’t sew regularly, I still keep up on my skills and I like to have a simple sewing kit on hand for emergencies. Sewing skills are an important part of your preps.

This is a completely portable kit ... ---CONTINUED---
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