Cobb Oven-Make Your Own

You can make so many different 'stoves' and 'ovens' to heat your foods or cook your meals. Look here and get ready to be creative!
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Cobb Oven-Make Your Own

Post by Readymom »

Build a Clay (Cob) Oven in Your Yard!

Image If you are looking for a small project to get your hands (and feet!) dirty testing out some natural building skills, then building a wood-fired oven is a great place to start. If you have a little help, it takes just a couple days to build, then a few weeks to let it dry out (during which time, you can sculpt your oven to any shape), and then you're ready for a pizza party!!

What is a cob wood-fired pizza oven??'s a baking oven that is heated by lighting a fire inside, ---CONTINUED---
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