EMP Get Home Bag For Your Car

EMPS are an Electromagnetic Pulse high, above our atmosphere, that affects everything electric VS the 'traditional' nuclear blast we often think about that is on the ground.
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EMP Get Home Bag For Your Car

Post by Readymom »

Pretty much what you would want to have in your car for ANY 'Get Home Bab' ... but truthfully, I hadn't thought of a mini faraday cage!


How to Build an EMP Emergency Car Bag

The chance of getting your car stuck in the woods is much higher than an EMP strike. So you may think that it’s nonsense to have an EMP emergency kit in your car.

But think of it this way: if you are prepared for an EMP then you are prepared for anything.

When an EMP knocks out the power grid, our cars, our mobile phones, and any electronics… EVERYTHING will come to a halt! You’ll have to walk your way home no matter if your car got stuck 100 miles away, no matter if this happens when you are on a highway, in the dessert, on a cold stormy winter or on your way to work. Nobody will come for you. You’ll be totally on your own!

On your way home you may need to provide food, water, clothes, shelter, protection and aid for you and maybe your family. This is why I said that an EMP Emergency car bag will surely help in any emergency situation.

So, one of the things you should take into consideration is ... ---CONTINUED---

**CROSS POSTING in "Evacuation aka 'Bugging Out"
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