Food Item: Yeast

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Food Item: Yeast

Post by Readymom »


Originally posted by 'Sniffles', PlanforPandemic
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I have gotten these recipes from an old Russian cookbook. I have not used these before, so I can't say how well they work. (The friendship bread above really tastes good, though!)

Homemade dry yeast

Take yeast from freshly prepared beer, pour it into any kind of linen or clean napkin (cloth), surround with a thick layer of ashes on all sides, and squeeze tightly. The ashes will draw out all the moisture and a thick dough will form from the yeast after 24 hours. Shape this dough into thin, flat cakes and dry them out on course sieves in the sun or in a moderately warm oven. Grind them into flour and store in small sacks in the open air.

Homemade yeast

Take 6 glasses coarsely sieved wheat bran. Pour 4 glasses in the bran into a stoneware bowl, add just enough boiling water to make a thick porridge, and beat with a spoon for 2 minutes. Sprinkle a large handful of bran on top, cover with a napkin (cloth) folded in half, and leave for 5 minutes, not longer. Add just enough boiling water to mix in the bran that was sprinkled on top, beat thoroughly, sprinkle on the remaining bran, and recover with a napkin for 5 minutes in order to ferment. Add boiling water for the third time, but be careful not to let it overflow; use just enough for the bran to form a dough as thick as that for bread. This time do not cover thei a napkin, but mix with a spoon or spatula until it cools. Pour off the liquid, squeezing the bran in a napkin. Add 3/4 glass hops to this liquid. (Pour 1 glass boiling water over 2 lots of hops, cover, let settle, and strain.) After all this has cooled, add 3 or 4 spoons of old yeast. Divide this mixture into 2 bottles, filling them not more than 2/3 full, stop the bottles with paper, and set in a warm place for 5-6 hours. After the yeast has risen, cork the bottles and store in a cold place. This yeast will not keep very long and quickly sours. Therefore new yeast must be prepared frequently, using 3-4 spoons of the old. Add twice as much of this yeast dough as beer yeast.

I am sorry, but I cannot find a definition for how much a "lot" of hops is. This is a very old translated recipe. I think it is another word for "pinch", but I am not 100% positive.

Another homemade yeast

Mix together a big pinch hops, a full teaspoon yellow honey, and 1/2 glass water. Bring all this thoroughly to a boil and reduce it slightly. Pour into a jar and, after it has cooled slightly, add 1 1/2 glasses fine wheat flour. Mix and set in a warm place. The yeast will be ready in 2 days. If 1/2 spoon old yeast is added, it will be ready the next day.
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Homemade Yeast: Internet Link

Post by Readymom »



Generally when one mentions yeast, aromatic loaves of fresh homemade light bread come to mind. And so they should. Aside from acting as a leavening agent in bakery products, yeast is also the ingredient responsible for the tantalizing aroma that arises during baking.

Though probably today the most commonly known and used are store-boughten packages of dried yeast, there are several other different kinds. ---CONTINUED---
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Yeast-Info & Storage

Post by Readymom »

Yeast-General Information


(Page 42-43)


Yeast is just not a product you can stow away and forget about until you need it in a few years. After all, this single celled microscopic fungus is a living organism so if it's not alive at the time you need it, you‘ll get no action. When we incorporate yeast into our bread dough, beer wort or fruit juice it begins to ferment madly (we hope) and produce several by-products. If you're baking, the by-product you want is carbon dioxide which is trapped by the dough and subsequently causes it to rise. In brewing or vintning what is wanted is the ethyl alcohol and, if the drink is to be carbonated, the carbon dioxide as well.

Almost all yeasts used for these purposes are ... --- CONTINUED at LINK, above ---

Post by Guest »

SAF yeast comes packaged in 1# vacumn packs that last forever until opened. Most groceries sell it...we used to buy it at a pizza place. DEE
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Adding Yeast to Bread Mix in the Middle of Mixing

Post by Readymom »


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Original Post: Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:20 am

:?: (Tammy)

What happens to flour that hasn't been frozen first? I have flour over a year old, no sign of any bugs and it is straight off the shelf. Can it go off? Mine is mostly white plain flour or self raising flour. I also have bread flour, white and wholemeal. Also yeast - I have some sachets of yeast for bread making. Can they be used past their best before /use by dates? Or will my bread spoil?

:arrow: (BeWell):

You can easily proof your yeast first if you are not sure of its potency. Just mix a small amount - say one teaspoon - in a small bowl with warm water and a bit of sugar to feed the yeast. Cover it and let sit for say 15 to 20 minutes. You'll know by that time whether it's turned frothy and yeasty smelling, or just sitting there like a dead thing.

I buy yeast by the pound bag, is very fresh and lasts me about 1 1/2 years, only once or twice did I make a batch that didn't rise, towards the end of that year and half or so. Now if I have any doubts I do the test as above. Once a batch of bread has been kneaded and everything and the yeast doesn't work, there's little you can do with it.

Additionally, if you make bread the sponge method, if the yeast doesn't work you can at that point add fresh yeast, so that is another fail safe.

PS - I use about 3/4 or more whole wheat flour in my bread and it ususally lasts about 3 to 4 months, in fact it never goes rancid unless I lose it somewhere. My house is quite cool, that may be why.
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RE: Food item: Yeast

Post by Readymom »


Yeast free baking
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:?: (Tigger2)

I am wondering if there is such a thing. I currently don't have a large stock of yeast, well I don't have a large stock of anything. but yeast I have enough for about a month. after that I would be on my own as far as baked goods goes. I have tried to make sourdough to no avail. aside from tortillas, is there anything I can make without yeast? I know bread is out, pizzas are out, etc.

:arrow: (IceFire)

You can make biscuits, "quick" breads, cornbread, muffins and such without yeast. There are actually quite a number of things that can be made without yeast. You will need baking powder instead of yeast to get the batters to rise. You can also do a type of pizza crust that uses baking powder, rather than yeast. The texture will be a little..fluffier, (more biscuit-ey) but it still works.

:arrow: (sbsion )

you can use baking soda in place of yeast and baking powder, BUT, remember, soda is quit salty, best to experiment without salt. Baking soda boxes usually have directions for substitution.........AND, there's no expiration date

:arrow: (xdewit)

this is a good site with alots of information about sourdough baking. He even mentions how you can dehydrate your sourdoug starter!
Have fun, btw it is said that sourdough bread is the best ingested by human body.

:arrow: (Alaska Rose)

Starter can die from a number of things, too hot, too cold, not enough food. Enclosed in a tight container it can become a small homemade bomb. I buy yeast in the large bags at Sam's Club, and tightly close after each use. It will work for at least a year, if kept tightly closed and not too hot. When it starts to slow down on activity when used, I dump the rest of the bag in the outhouse or someone's septic system. It will keep those working well, also.
A good sourdough starter can usually be made using a small amount of yeast to help get the right yeast growing in it, but mix a cup of warm water, a cup of flour and a pinch of yeast and let sit, loosely covered, for at least 24 hours at room temperature. It should start to have a slight sour milk smell to it, but don't add milk or usually it will get rather gross. If you still can't get a starter to start doing that, add a teaspoon of sugar to it, and let sit 24 hours. If it has the sour odor, not unpleasant, just slightly sour, then add another cup of flour and another cup of warm water to it, let work overnight and use one cup out of it the next day and add another 1 cup flour, 1 cup warm water.
You can make almost anything from sourdough, including log chinking, and doughnuts. Chocolate cake made from sourdough is excellent.

:arrow: (Cin)

1 pyrex glass dish with lid
1 cup of warm water (110 degrees)
1 cup flour (I used Sam's Club bleached bread flour)

Mix, tuck away on the counter out of drafts, and if possible, in the sun for at least an hour or so a day.

When it begins to bubble, add 1/2 cup warm water, and 1/2 cup flour (about 3 days).

Let it go for a few days. Then add 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup flour.

About 10 days later, it should develop a clear, yellowish liquid on top. This should have a pleasant sour, beer smell. Stir that back in, add 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup flour. The 10th day is when you can begin to use it - if it is bubbling.

At least once or twice a week, add 1/2 cup water and 1/2 cup flour. When ready to use, stir the clear liquid back in and use.

Although people use it without using yeast, all my sourdough recipes called for making a yeast bread, then using 1/2 to 1 cup of the sourdough starter. It worked fine for me. When you use it - replenish with 1 cup water and 1 cup flour after you've taken out what you use. Also, occasionally change the container as gunkies (yes, that's an official word) build up on the sides.

I had a sourdough starter for 2 whole years, from the day I moved into our new house. One day, I planned to use it and took the lid off. I was rushing around getting ready for a Christmas party, and my sister and a friend came over to help. They dusted the top of the cabinet above my starter...and apparently some dust floated down into starter. I didn't realize that's what it was...and used it. 2 days later, we kept smelling this dead animal sourdough had died.

:arrow: :!: (Alaska Rose)

One more little note. That clear yellowish liquid that rises to the top, is "hootch" and extremely intoxicating. Not suggested for sampling, may lead to blindness. Some people pour the "hootch" off. I just stir it back in. The "hootch" should be stirred back in, no reason to pour it off, keeps things working well stirred in, LOL. Sourdough likes a snort now and then, too.

:arrow: (theLight)
  • On Hooch: It's alcohol, AKA waste, from the bacteria. You will keep a healthier colony going if you pour it off. To offset the loss of liquid, you will need to add slightly more water.
  • On water, if you're on city water, let it air out the chlorine or else you'll kill your fragile colony off a little bit every time you feed it.
  • If you keep it at room temperature, you will have to feed it every few days to keep a really healthy starter going. If you keep it in the fridge, once a month will do. I use the fridge method for now.
  • To keep a really healthy and lively starter, pour out a cup of the starter (use it to bake bread!) and add back a half cup each of four and water. Leave it at the proper temperature to get the colony going before you put it back in the fridge to make it dormant again.
  • The ideal temperature is 80 or so degrees for colony growth. I can hold this temp well in my oven with the lamp on inside. Test yours with a thermometer. Over 85-90 and the yeast start's dying. 140 and it's cooked.
  • Your bread will probably need to rise longer because sourdough, even a good colony, is less powerful than store bought yeast. I let mine rise for an hour and a half to three hours depending on the temperature.
  • To make a starter, there's some debate on where the yeast comes from. Some say the air. Some say the wheat itself. Others use grape skins. I got mine from Friends of Carl. The next logical thing to me (and most successful based on research) is getting it from fresh-ground flour. Not the air.
  • Sourdough is a local thing. You can't make a reliable batch of San Francisco Sourdough in NYC for many batches. Apparently. My taste isn't that refined. My sourdough always tastes good to me! :)
  • Sourdough is as much science as art. Read up on it.
  • It's really easy to keep going once you get the hang of it. Don't give up! Home made sourdough is amazing!
  • Clean your starter container well before you use it. No need to breed bacteria you don't want.
  • Clean any utensils you use in your starter thoroughly. No need to introduce bacteria you don't want to.
  • Use bleached, white flour to feed your colony if you want to keep your strain pure. It will have the least other bacteria in it.
  • Don't use a bleached flour to try to start your own culture. Success with it seems low. Use Friends of Carl, get a starter from me, or get another commercial one. If you really want to do it yourself. Find a local miller or local source of wheat and grind it yourself. Failing that, get some local grapes.
Useful sites: ... dough.html ... tarter.htm ... emperature <- REALLY GOOD SITE with videos. <- Get your starter hear for the cost of a self addressed stamped envelope!
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Re: Food Item: Yeast

Post by Readymom »

Yeast: Make Your Own!


Prepper Baking 101: Making Your Own Yeast

Image Knowing how to replace the staples in the kitchen in some other way than a trip to the store is an important prepper skill. One of those things is bread. The first step is taking the time to learn to bake, which unfortunately is becoming a lost art in and of itself. The second step is to learn how to obtain the components of bread, such as flour, water, and yeast.

If you are ready to go beyond the basic sourdough starter, try these yeast procurement methods for all new flavors and textures in your baking. --- CONTINUED at link, above ---
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Re: Food Item: Yeast

Post by Readymom »




Yeast: Yeast has an indefinite shelf life in your freezer or one year on the shelf. ALWAYS test your yeast before adding it to your dry ingredients. Add the yeast to warm (not hot) water and wait a few minutes. The mixture will start to bubble and smell good. Add this to your dry ingredients.
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Re: Food Item: Yeast

Post by Readymom »


How To Make Yeast For Long-Term Storage

Yeast has long inhabited the planet Earth, a simple organism that is hundreds of millions of years old. It plays a vital role in the creation of alcohol as the fungus turns sugars into the intoxicating brew of choice. Without yeast there would be no beer, wine, vodka, champagne, what have you.

This ancient fungus lives in the world all around us and we need only create an environment that it likes, to take advantage of it. Most people buy yeast in its dried form from the supermarket. This is because it’s the fastest method for getting your hands on usable yeast. Its dried and activates in minutes.


Making yeast with ... ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Food Item: Yeast

Post by Readymom »


How to Harvest Wild Yeast for Sourdough Bread

For those who want to improve their connection with the world’s wild side, changing your diet is a smart place to start. While most of us know the appeal of making meals from garden-fresh fruits and vegetables, it’s also possible to become more self-sufficient with your baking projects by cultivating a wild sourdough starter.

This ancient, highly prized method of bread making harkens back thousands of years and takes advantage of natural fermentation to develop a starter that evolves in flavor every time you use it. With a time investment of no more than 5 minutes a day for a little over 2 weeks, you can create a wild sourdough starter with a taste and texture that’s reflective of the natural yeasts surrounding your region.

But what is sourdough bread—and how does the process work? Let’s break it down below. ---CONTINUED---

What Is Sourdough Bread?
A Quick History of Sourdough
6 Benefits of Sourdough Bread
How to Make a Sourdough Starter
8 Recipes for Using a Sourdough Starter
Maintaining a Sourdough Starter

**For Sourdough Recipes go Here: Food: Recipes :: Sour Dough Recipes
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Re: Food Item: Yeast

Post by Readymom »


How To Capture And Use Wild Yeast

I have a secret weapon in my kitchen. It makes my daily bread taste amazing (and far more digestible than anything store-bought). As long as I take care of the starter, this weapon is an endless material. And the best part of all? It’s free for the taking. I’m talking about wild yeast — a faithful little organism that can be harnessed by anyone who takes time to get to know it. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Food Item: Yeast

Post by Readymom »

Hat Tip: Image to 'Violet', over at EHP-D:


How to Make Your Own Yeast for Bread

Are you out of yeast and want to make bread? It’s actually possible to grow your own yeast at home. Also known as sourdough starter or wild yeast, the process is simple and all you need is some flour (or other starch like potatoes), water, and a bit of time. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Food Item: Yeast

Post by Readymom »


How to Make Yeast | 4 Easy Way to Make Yeast from Scratch

Learning how to make yeast for long-term prepping is an essential skill to have. The best thing for making yeast from scratch is the ingredients are often readily available in our pantries.

Find out how to make yeast in 4 easy ways. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Food Item: Yeast

Post by Readymom »


How to Find True North Without a Compass

If you're trying to find your way around in the wilderness and you don't have a compass, don't worry! There are ways to figure out which direction is true north during the day time and at night. By using the sun, shadows, and the stars, you won't have any trouble finding true north and heading in the right direction. ---CONTINUED---
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