Water Purification: Katadyn Unit

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Post by Readymom »

How to Find Water and Make It Safe to Drink
Copyright © 1998, 2006 by
Robert Wayne Atkins, P.E.


Removes Protozoa, Bacteria, Most Viruses, Many Harmful Chemicals and Radioactive Particles.
To remove ALL Viruses, you must Boil the Water or Add Chlorine or Iodine.

The best overall method for improving the quality of water, but also the most expensive, is to use a commercial water filter, but not one that permanently connects to your home water system because it requires water pressure to function properly.

The one potential disadvantage of commercial water filters (not purifiers) is that they cannot remove 100% of ALL virus pathogens. Fortunately, waterborne virus pathogens are NOT a common problem in most areas. Therefore, unless there has been an outbreak of viral diseases in your area, then waterborne viruses will probably not be a problem with your water supply. However, if there has been a recent outbreak of viral diseases, then add the appropriate quantity of chlorine to the water, wait one-hour, and then put that treated water through one of the following filters.

Two Quick Definitions:
Portable: Easy to move from place to place.
Potable: Okay to drink.

Commercial water filters are normally purchased for one of three reasons:
1. To improve the taste and quality of the normal home water supply.
2. To provide drinking water during a short-term emergency.
3. To provide drinking water for long-term survival.

Many people add a variety of water softeners, water filters, and water purifiers to the plumbing in their homes to improve the quality of the water normally available at their place of residence. These filters depend on water pressure and/or electricity to function properly. Neither water pressure nor electricity can be depended on during either short-term or long-term survival scenarios so these types of water filters will not be discussed here.

Short-term emergencies, such as hurricanes or tornados, are extremely serious but life gradually returns to normal after the danger has passed. Unless your area was completely demolished, most services are restored in days, or weeks, or sometimes a little longer.

Long-term survival, such as a World War being fought within your nation's borders, is a more challenging situation because you may not have any outside help or assistance for an extended period of time. Your survival will depend completely on the resources you had available before the situation developed.

Some water filters perform very well during short-term emergencies, but they are not designed for long-term survival situations. Other water filters are specifically engineered for long-term survival scenarios. Fortunately, those same filters will also function exceedingly well during short-term emergencies. Consequently, the following recommendations are for long-term survival water filters, which will also serve in a short-term emergency if required.

In a long-term survival situation, the primary source of life-threatening pathogens entering the water supply is through human waste (fecal matter). Since the normal sewage system is not functioning the way it was designed to, human waste is NOT disposed of properly. It is frequently thrown into the streets to get it out of people's homes. The next rain washes significant amounts of that human waste into the nearest water collection area. Disease, sickness, and death soon follow. Even if you are in or near a crowded camping area during a long-term survival scenario, the same tragic drama unfolds. To survive in a situation such as this, you need to filter all your drinking water and then boil it. (Note: The proper way to deal with human waste while camping is to bury it.)


The first model is a Swiss Katadyn Pocket Water Filter. Its advantages are that is more affordable, lighter weight, and extremely portable. It comes with one 0.2 micron filter element that will yield one-quart of drinking water per minute and the filter has a maximum rated life of 13,000 gallons of water under good conditions. Its disadvantages are that it must be hand pumped, and if its one filter is damaged in any way then it makes the unit of questionable value. However, if you perceive a survival scenario where you will be frequently moving between locations by walking or by bicycle, then it is probably your best choice because it is both small and light weight. (Note: There are several other cheaper Katadyn water filters available, such as the Hiker and the Guide, but they are NOT designed for long-term survival scenarios.)
No water pressure required.

No electricity required.

Output: 1 quart per minute via hand-pumping.

Weight: 24 oz. inside its carrying case with all its attachments.

Size: 3" x 10.5" inside its carrying case with all its attachments.

Expected Life: Up to 13,000 gallons of water from ONE filter depending on the quality of the incoming water source.
The maximum filter life can be achieved if the incoming water is pre-filtered through a clean cloth before putting it through the Katadyn filter.

Life-time warranty.

Filter Element: One 0.2 micron porosity ceramic filter.
Self-disinfecting due to fine silver embedded throughout the Katadyn filter which prevents the growth of bacteria.
Will remove ALL bacteria and ALL Protozoa, including:

100% Giardia Protozoa.

100% Cryptosporidium Protozoa.

Removes asbestos fibers, nuclear explosion debris, invisible dust particles, and pollen.

Does NOT remove 99.9% of all viruses.

Does NOT remove dissolved minerals or chemicals.
Therefore it can not be used to desalinate sea water.

No Carbon is included inside the filter.
If you wish, you can purchase separately a Universal Carbon Cartridge Filter Unit for use with any water filter at a cost of about $11.95 on the internet.

The filter may be cleaned with one of the two cleaning pads which are included.
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Re: Water Purification: Katadyn Unit

Post by Readymom »


Katadyn Pocket Review: Hands On with this Premium Portable Survival Water Filter

The Katadyn Pocket is a premium water filter that has what it takes to get you and your family through a long emergency or crisis.

When you first pick up this filter you will notice that it is made of some sturdy and premium components. The pump mechanism is high grade stainless steel and provides a smooth action that gets you fresh and pure water faster than you might have imagined. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Water Purification: Katadyn Unit

Post by Readymom »


Katadyn pocket water filter

(Scroll down the Grandpappy page for info on this filter)

The Katadyn pocket water filter does not have any quality issues. It does not have a ... ---CONTINUED---
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