What if the lights go out?

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What if the lights go out?

Post by Readymom »


What if the lights go out?
http://www.boston.com/lifestyle/article ... ?page=full

  • We don’t pay attention to power except when it annoys us -
  • But we’d better all begin paying more attention. The grid, for a host of reasons, may be ill-equipped to meet all the enormous challenges it faces. For so long, the market for doomsday scenarios of powerlessness has been cornered by survivalists prattling on about Mayan calendars and end of days.
  • If our society is more reliant on power than at any time in history - without it, we’ve got no commerce, no communications, no clean water - and if power becomes less reliable in the future, the big question is: Will we be able to hack it?
  • THE TROUBLE with the future of power isn’t that there is one big problem that could croak us. It’s that there are a host of them, any one of which could croak us. Let’s group them into three categories.
    • Bucket No. 1 involves what the insurance-policy fine print calls “Acts of God.’’ Here we’re talking about all those “storms of the century’’ that seem to be arriving with unsettling frequency. Although people can debate the reasons behind it, by now the trend is clear, says Tierney, a partner with Boston-based Analysis Group. “Extreme weather events will be more common.’’
    • Let’s call Bucket No. 2 “Acts of Terrorists.’’ Among these, there’s the old-fashioned physical attack on the bulk power system, either at its source of generation or somewhere along its transmission route. There’s the newfangled cyber attack on the computers controlling our interconnected grid. And then there’s the otherworldly-sounding attack by an electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, weapon.
    • Finally, Bucket No. 3 is the “Ailing Grid’’ itself. In many places, the infrastructure is as old and stooped as a pensioner.
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What Happens if the Grid Goes Down?

Post by Readymom »


When the Power Grid Fails – 10 Things You Need to Prepare

The power grid is one of those things that most of us take for granted, but it's time to acknowledge that it's getting older, reaching capacity and under attack. In the article “Bracing for a big power grid attack: ‘One is too many'“, USA Today states “About once every four days, part of the nation's power grid — a system whose failure could leave millions in the dark — is struck by a cyber or physical attack.” Without a preparedness blueprint in place, most of us would be in bad shape with an extended grid outage.

In this post, we'll discuss why the power grid goes down, and how to prepare . . . ---CONTINUED---
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Re: What Happens if the Grid Goes Down?

Post by Readymom »


7 Things You’ll Realize After Living Without Electricity

Post a reply 7-things-youll-realize-after-living-without-electricity-pin-1 f you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to live without electricity for a long time, just ask the people of Puerto Rico. Many of them lived without power for nearly a year. And according to a Harvard study, the death rate in Puerto Rico nearly doubled after Hurricane Maria do to a lack of air conditioning and medical care.

It has been estimated that if the power went out all over the United States for a full year, 90% of the population wouldn’t survive. That’s how dependent we are on the power grid, which is a scary thought considering that a cyber attack or an EMP could bring it down at any time.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the luxuries we take for granted. Here are seven things you’ll realize after the power grid goes down. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: What Happens if the Grid Goes Down?

Post by Readymom »


7 Terrifying Realities Of Long-Term Blackouts (That You’ve Probably Never Considered)

What Happens if the Grid Goes Down? 7-Terrifying-Realities-Of-Long-Term-Blackouts-That-Americans-Never-Consider-890x395_c (SNIP) ... For the purposes of this article we are going to call a long-term blackout a period without power to major infrastructure, residential and business operations for a period of 3 months or more. In this time the base for civility will be shattered and the consequences of missing basic public services will be widespread. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: What if the lights go out?

Post by Readymom »


7 Shocking Truths About Living Without Electricity

Electricity helps to keep us cool (and warm), cook our food, light up the darkness, wash our clothes and dishes, and keeps our most nutritious foods from spoiling, to name a handful of amazing uses.

The following is an honest look at how truly important electricity is to our modern lives and dives deep into seven ways that electricity–and living without it–WILL be shocking to so many people who have come to rely solely on modern society and the conveniences that it brings, especially power… ---CONTINUED---
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Re: What if the lights go out?

Post by Readymom »


6 Things To Do Immediately In An Extended Blackout

(SNIP) ... The neighborhood is dark… upon getting in the car and turning on the radio, I get a local station on generator power, explaining an EMP has gone off. Since we are a small town out in the desert, it may be 3-6 months before it is restored!

Thank God, with my limited budget, I have prepared as best as I could. What would your family need in an extended blackout? Start getting that stuff now, before it’s too late. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: What if the lights go out?

Post by Readymom »


15 Things To Do When The Power Goes Out

(SNIP) ... Even if it’s only out for a few hours, your whole routine is disrupted–no TV, no microwave, no dishwasher, nothing. But as long as you know what to do, it doesn’t have to be a major disruption.

When the lights go out, the following things should be done in order to stretch resources, keep your family calm, and make the power outage more tolerable. ---CONTINUED---
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