Duct Tape ... Duck Tape

Lots of Lists to choose from in here including items such as paper goods, cleaners, emergency lighting, cooking, tools and much much more! Read them over, combine items from the various lists to make it just right for your particular family or group. There are a lot of good ideas here from a variety of sources.
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Duct Tape ... Duck Tape

Post by Readymom »

Duct Tape-Uses for This Tape


34 Ways to Use Duct Tape for Survival

Image I have always claimed – and not altogether jokingly – that you could build a house with Elmer’s glue and Duct Tape. Both items are readily available, relatively inexpensive and easy to tote around. I will set aside the Elmer’s for another time, though. Today, I thought it would be fun to look as some of the practical uses of duct tape around the house, camping and of course, in a survival situation. --- CONTINUED at LINK, above ---
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Re: Duct Tape-34 Ways to Use It

Post by Readymom »


47 Survival Uses for Duct Tape

Duct tape is one of the most versatile products ever invented. Wannabe MacGyvers have found uses for it that the developers probably never dreamed of. As Tyler Durden might say, “With enough duct tape we can fix just about anything.”

There are so many uses for duct tape that not only should you put a roll in your bug out bag, you should also add several rolls to your main survival cache. But how can duct tape be used for survival? Here are 47 ways. ---CONTINUED---
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