Immediately After an Emergency Event

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Immediately After an Emergency Event

Post by Readymom »

Response: Immediately After an Emergency Event

Good advice on what you should consider after an event occurs. Reading over this NOW, will plant a seed for you to draw on later, if caught off guard in an unexpected emergency!


Moments After ...

Posted on April 21, 2008 by Suburban Prepper

Bang, Boom, Pow, Rumble, Ping (insert other sudden SHTF indicative sound) ...
A sudden SHTF event has just happened, what do you do know? --- Continued at link, above ---

  • 1) Stay Calm: Cliche? Yes, but critical. Take a .....
    2) Gather your family!: What is the single most valuable .....
    3) Gather Intel: Get that TV on, get the radio on, fire up the internet, do WHATEVER you have to do to .....
    4) Secure the Perimeter: Depending on the threat you will need to .....
    5) Gather additional Supplies (if possible)- You should be well stocked on .....
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Re: Immediately After an Emergency Event

Post by Readymom »

The Survival Pyramid

The Survival Pyramid: Helping Families Prepare ... s-prepare/

This Survival Pyramid was created by a friend of mine who sells food storage and survival products. Her name is Brenda Nicholson. In November, I flew to Florida to help her sell survival foods at the Tea Party convention. She published this Survival Pyramid and gave me permission to use it in this article.

Prepare For The Worst And Hope For The Best
There is no way we can know exactly what emergency situations might occur. If you break down the short-term and long-term emergencies and prepare for them in sequence, it will be easier and less overwhelming to put together emergency survival foods and other supplies just in case you encounter a power outage, tornado, hurricane, flooding, civil unrest or any other type of local disaster.

To stay healthy and survive any emergency situation, we must have ... ---CONTINUED at LINK, above ---
Last edited by Readymom on Mon Jan 06, 2020 6:38 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Shopping Immediately After an Emergency

Post by Readymom »


Hopefully, you will not be in this position, but if you are, here is an article about how to shop on the day an event starts:

When Grocery Stores Go Empty – A Back Door Shopping Strategy

Post a reply When-Grocery-Stores-Go-Empty-%E2%80%93-A-Back-Door-Shopping-Strategy-890x395_c As a prepper or survivalist, we all typically pride ourselves on being prepared for SHTF situations. At any given time we usually have a good amount of non-perishable foods stored, as well as options for hunting, fishing, trapping, and gardening. However, not everybody is quite this prepared for a worst case scenario. Despite our best efforts, many of us will be forced to join the masses and head to the grocery store to stock up for the days or weeks to come. If that happens, this is your guide to surviving the ordeal and coming out with a good amount of needed nutrition. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Immediately After an Emergency Event

Post by Readymom »


The Anatomy of a Breakdown

When you take the time to understand how a breakdown behaves and how it progresses, only then can you truly prepare for it.

(SNIP) ... As preppers are well aware, when the needs of the population cannot be met in an allotted time frame, a phenomena occurs and the mindset shifts in people. They begin to act without thinking and respond to changes in their environment in an emotionally-based manner, thus leading to chaos, instability and a breakdown in our social paradigm.

When you take the time to understand how a breakdown behaves and how it progresses, only then can you truly prepare for it. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Essential Tools-General Lists

Post by Readymom »


Essential tools for disaster recovery

This list was submitted by Adam Grundleger. He says, “This list is by no means all-inclusive, but it’s what I can remember from being through hurricanes and heavy storms.” Bad weather and natural disasters never seem to take a vacation, and having the right tools can make a huge difference in how quickly a home and family recover. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Immediately After an Emergency Event

Post by Readymom »


10 Steps To Take Immediately When The SHTF

Each type of disaster will have its own peculiarities, requiring specific actions. Our plans need to cover those things as well. But there are some actions that are an important part of any disaster response, regardless of what has caused it. For those disasters, I present the list below as an outline for you to create your own action plan. ---CONTINUED---
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