Earthquakes-Secure Your Food Storage

Earthquakes don't just rumble through the ground and shake your wall, they can rattle your nerves if you hare not sufficiently prepared. Some tips are included here.
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Earthquakes-Secure Your Food Storage

Post by Readymom »


Earthquake Proof Food Storage Rooms

We won't be able to save everything, but here are a few ideas I've gathered to help keep our food storage items safe. The changes are simple, logical and inexpensive. You've just set up your food storage room, but did you think to make it earthquake safe? Let me say immediately that my room is not finished, but I have done some research to help me know what I should change. And I know what earthquakes feel like and I don't want my food ruined after all the work and money I've spent to gather it. But first, watch this soundless video that was taken with surveylance cameras in a grocery store during the 7.0 earthquake in Haiti. Could this happen to your food storage room?

Here are some ideas that might help: ---CONTINUED---
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