Prepping Lists to Get You Started

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Prepping Lists to Get You Started

Post by Readymom »

Family Food Storage and Emergency Preparedness -Supply List
By Debi D. Koontz

I have a strong belief in the importance of family preparedness. In my home we live on our food storage whenever life throws us an unexpected difficulty. We do not think of our storage as only being there in case of some drastic emergency like an earthquake or civic unrest. Using your food storage in your daily life is the only way to be successful in having a complete and efficient supply on hand for whatever you and your family may be called upon to bear.

I would be the first to admit that I am, by no means, an expert in this area, but I do have an interest, which has prompted me to research this topic, and I can share ideas and experiences that I have had. I hope this information will be of some use to someone somewhere, and that perhaps it may help families prepare in time.

This booklet is in two parts. The first part are some notes, ideas and hints on all aspects of starting, organizing and using your food storage. It is beyond the scope of this work to be complete in all areas on this topic, but is simply a starting place with basic information. ---CONTINUED at LINK---
Last edited by Readymom on Thu Jan 09, 2020 5:21 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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RE: Prepping Lists to Get You Started

Post by Readymom »


(Based on 4 people)


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RE: Prepping Lists to Get You Started

Post by AnneZ »


BASIC PREP LIST FOR ONE MONTH/ONE ADULT Multiply to get the number of months you wish to prep for.

FluTrackers Members have collated information from a variety of sources to develop a printable, personal preparation list. This is not an exhaustive list. FluTrackers provides this as a service to help others who may not have stored food before. It is a general guideline only. By reading further, you acknowledge that you are responsible to decide your own potential needs, and those of your family and loved ones.

The following items should sustain one adult for approximately one month. The foods chosen require minimal time and resources to prepare, and represent common and familiar food choices for many. You should customize the list to your personal preferences and needs.

Remember to multiply the amounts of each item on the list by the number of adults you are preparing for.


* Water: 30 gallons per person minimum
* Canned meals: 30 cans per person (Pasta meat mixes; Chunky type soups; Chili; etc.)
* Canned/Tinned meat spreads and similar items for sandwiches: 12 cans
* Peanut Butter: 2-3 lbs per person
* Jam/Jelly: 1-2 lbs per person
* Crackers: 4 1 lb. boxes per person (for sandwiches and snacks)
* Canned fruit: 12 cans per person
* Instant breakfast cereal: 30 packs per person
* Vegetable/fruit juices: 1 gallon per person
* Coffee, (2 lb) tea, hot chocolate etc. Consider instant in case no electricity.
* Dry milk: Large box, increase if frequent milk drinker; 2 per child
* Dessert items: Canned or single serve puddings and similar , hard candy, or similar comfort foods and "treats", if funds allow
* Sugar: 5 lbs
* Salt: 1 lb; other spices/condiments as desired
* Baking soda: 1 box

* Tylenol/Acetaminophen: bottle 100
* Ibuprofen: bottle 100
* Multiple Vitamin: 1 bottle/30 day supply

* Antibacterial soap: 1 per sink
* Hand sanitizer:minimum 1 pocket size and one large to refill from
* Bleach- unscented, 1 gallon
* Vinegar: plain, 1 gallon for disinfectant purposes

* Toilet paper 10-15 rolls
* Paper towels; 6 rolls
* Paper plates, cups, disposable silverware
* Manual can opener
* Camp Stove, sterno or other alternative heating method to boil water and fuel
* Flashlights: One per person minimum, consider LED lights to reduce battery usage. Additional LED headlamps extremely useful.
* Radio: battery powered
* Batteries: 3 to 4 sets per battery powered item

* Children specific items: Food, formula, diapers, OTC medicines
jimLE wrote:pretty good list there..but yet,there's some items in that list would last us much longer than one month..but yet.i'd be doing all the good,with some items.but lose out on some items,i if i went with that list,as is.

here's the items i'd come out ahead on.
Peanut Butter: 2-3 lbs per person. 26.5 ounces last us a few months.which means 1 to 2 LB'S would get put into storage,if i bought 3LB'S.

Sugar: 5 lbs we "might" go through 1/2 LB in one 1Lb would go into the kitchen.the other 4 LB'S would go into storage.

Salt: 1 lb; other spices/condiments as desired already have 2-26 ounce things of salt in storage.and 1 in the kitchen.

Toilet paper 10-15 rolls..we'd run out at that amount.we need at least 22 rolls per person per month.

Camp Stove, sterno or other alternative heating method to boil water and fuel..i have a camp stove.but yet,thats definitely a work in progress for me..

Batteries: 3 to 4 sets per battery powered item..true.and still a work in progress for me...

a solar powered battery charger and rechargeable batteries is a added pluss when there's no electricity..
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RE: Prepping Lists to Get You StartedND TOOLS

Post by Readymom »

Alternate Electrical Appliances and Tools



Comprehensive list of items that you can use, if you don't have electric power. Go to LINK, above for FUll LIST

When you can’t use…. Electric can opener

then use… Manual can opener
Manual wall mounted can opener
GI K-9 emergency can opener
Pocketknife can opener blade
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RE: Prepping Lists to Get You Started

Post by Readymom »



Includes items for: --- go to link, above for full list ---







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RE: Prepping Lists to Get You Started

Post by Readymom »

Prep Item List


Make a List and Check it Twice!

Posted on May 17, 2008 by Suburban Prepper

When it comes to disaster preparedness we cannot predict EVERY type of disaster nor can we predict EVERYTHING we will need. On top of that, due to cost and space constraints, we cannot purchase and store everything we MIGHT need. Since we don’t know whether disaster will strike tomorrow we must weigh the expense of additional preps against the possibility a disaster won’t happen.


Here is an example of what I am talking about. This is a listing I made a few years ago. I use it as a checklist of sorts. Many items I have purchased over the years and some I have not. Some items are things you can never have enough of and therefore if disaster is imminent, getting as much as possible is highly advised. Some headings are by location so I can run into the grocery store with a pre-made list. This is not a well thought out or edited list. It is a recording of my thoughts as they came to me but feel free to use this as a road map for your own list. Remember, when the S hits the fan, you will not be thinking clearly. Use your list to help organize your purchases when you have limited time and resources available.

Immediate Purchases (if possible): ---- continued at link, above ---
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RE: Prepping Lists to Get You Started

Post by Readymom »

101 “Oddball Items” To Stock


101 “Oddball Items” To Stock

:!: NOTE:: Original link is no longer working, but list can be found here:

When you make your preps for a long term survival situation, you want to make sure you cover the basics:

Water- check

Food- check

Shelter- check

Batteries- check

This list can go on for quite a while, but what about thinking outside the box?

A little forward thinking can really put you ahead of the curve.

If you have things that no one else has, just how powerful would that make you in any post-SHTF barter situation?

I found this article a while back on, and I’ve gotta say there are some pretty interesting and “oddball” items on it that I never would have thought of and some I have never seen on ANY other survival checklist.

Check it out: --- CONTINUED at LINK, above ---
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RE: Prepping Lists to Get You Started

Post by Readymom »

Top Items to Consider:


15 Things You’ll Regret Not Having Enough of When SHTF

A lot of preparedness articles can be a little tough to write, this one was exceptionally difficult to wrap my head around! The subject is things you will regret not having in a SHTF situation, which is by definition things you have forgotten to stock. So, it’s not a standard issue things you should have list. I had to rack the old brain for the critical things that I have often forgotten or postponed in my preparations. So, it may seem a bit of an odd list, but it is a list of essential things that are not “Head Liners” for most preppers. --- CONTINUED at LINK, above ---
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RE: Prepping Lists to Get You Started

Post by Readymom »


Prepper Supply Checklist

Here it is, the easiest checklist you’ll ever find for getting prepped. Clearly, most of us can’t buy ALL of these supplies at the same time, so I’ve put them in order from free to top quality. ---CONTINUED---
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RE: Prepping Lists to Get You Started

Post by Readymom »


Prep to Excesses – Supplies to Over Stock

General Items-Various lists Excess0 Balanced storage is important to ensure we really can weather life’s storms, great and small, personal or widespread. However, there are some things that make sense to stockpile in excess. They’re typically going to be things that we have zero or limited expectation of producing, or producing efficiently. ---CONTINUED---
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RE: Prepping Lists to Get You Started

Post by Readymom »


20 Items Everyone Needs to Be Prepared

Prepping Lists-Suggested Items to Store In Your Preps Essentials-1-person-survival-kit-base-322x322 Have you ever sat down and actually thought of everything you’d need in order to be prepared for an emergency? No? You aren’t alone; 60 percent of Americans have not practiced what to do in a disaster. 1 This includes developing an emergency communication plan for their family as well as purchasing emergency supplies. The truth is, preparing your family for a disaster cannot be accomplished in one night. That doesn't mean you could start making a game plan today! Last week we covered how long you should prepare for an emergency. Today, we have compiled a list of 20 items everyone needs to be prepared. ---CONTINUED---
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RE: Prepping Lists to Get You Started

Post by Readymom »


34 Prepping Items to Get in your First Month

(SNIP) ... This list is designed to give you some ideas on what things you really need to buy in your first days as a prepper. I will give you my suggestions and what I think is most important. Here are 34 items to get in the first month of prepping that will make a real and dramatic difference to your ability to survive the worst. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: General Items-Various lists

Post by Readymom »


37 Unusual Things for Preppers to Hoard

Stuff for your survival cabinet, garage or locker

What's in your survival cabinets, garage or locker? Sure, you've got water, shelf stable meals, weaponry and security devices, excess toilet paper, plus seeds for the future, but what haven't you thought about?

Consider the Happy Prepper list of the 37 most unusual survival tools to hoard while they are still available!

Mind you, this is not the typical list and it is not the same as our other totally free prepper lists, including these popular articles ---CONTINUED---

37 non food items to hoard
37 Foods to Hoard while they are still available.
Most overlooked preps.
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Re: General Items-Various lists

Post by Readymom »


Have You Considered Spare Parts for Your Preps?

One of the most overlooked parts of most people’s preparations is spare parts for the equipment they plan to use in an emergency or a crisis. We all like to think we are covered when we have the actual items in our possession, but what if they break? What if the power source runs out? When you know you could have fixed the problem with a simple spare part, you will get pretty frustrated pretty fast.

What spare parts should you have on hand? That depends on ... ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Survival Grocery Lists

Post by Readymom »


100 Best Survival Foods At The Grocery Store

(SNIP) ... This article will cover the primary criteria to follow when selecting grocery store foods that you want to store for survival. We’ll also list some specific foods you should consider getting, and we’ll share some tips on how to properly store all this food so it doesn’t go bad. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: General Items-Various lists

Post by Readymom »


15 Pieces of Crucial Urban Survival Gear

Disasters are not planned but they must be prepared for. Urban areas are predisposed to both natural and man-made crises. Ask yourself where you’d be if a disaster were to strike. It is probable that you’ll be at home, workplace or just somewhere proximal to your everyday environment.

You need to be ready to survive in these places. This is perhaps the most comprehensive resource when it comes to urban survival. I intend to provide you with a descriptive list of 15 pieces of essential survival gear for a modern-day prepper. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: General Items-Various lists

Post by Readymom »


Essential Tools for Home Survival

(SNIP) ... we’ll introduce you to some essential tools to keep in your home to give you a much better chance at surviving a disaster.

Since we’re assuming you’ll be using your home as a shelter, we won’t discuss tools associated with shelter building. We will focus on the other crucial components for survival including: ---CONTINUED---

**CROSS POSTED in Tools & Carpentry Forum-Essential Tools List
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Re: Preparation Guidelines

Post by Readymom »


Last-Minute Emergency Supplies: What to Buy When the Shelves Are Almost Empty

Have you ever waited too long to prepare for an emergency and then you get to the store and the supplies you need are gone? The shelves are nearly bare because a horde of other locals got there first? If you need to get some last-minute emergency supplies but your original choices are gone, here’s what to buy when the shelves are almost empty. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: General Items-Various lists

Post by Readymom »


50 High Value Items To Stockpile For When SHTF

(SNIP) ... There are literally hundreds of things that we could use in a post-disaster world; more than can fit in this list. But the items I’ve listed below are probably the most important things to include in your stockpile, either for your own personal use or to use as barter goods. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: General Items-Various lists

Post by Readymom »

ImageHat tip to 'Rick1', over at EHP-d:


EDC: Top 7 things you should carry every day

I’ve written a few of posts about your EDC kit (Every Day Carry), or what things you should have on you at all times such as what I carry (usually) and a few others but never broke it down to a simple, basic list.

So some of you live in areas with ridiculous laws so you may not be able to follow this list completely. Sorry about your luck; you should move. In the meantime, here’s my list of EDC essentials. Obviously there are others that you could carry but you should always have these five. Errr, seven: ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Family Food Storage and Emergency Preparedness-Supply Li

Post by Readymom »

Cheap Prep Items


Survival stuff on the cheap

With today’s declining economy – many of us are on tight budgets. Even so – this does doesn’t change the goal that many of us have – to prepare for troubling times ahead for ourselves and out family.
Visiting some websites and reading certain books – you can get the feeling that you have to have a full years supply of freeze dried food, a full military arsenal, and a mountain retreat with a full solar energy system just to be considered somewhat prepared.

Opinions vary.

There are a lot of inexpensive things that can be done to improve your preparedness level. Many of these are very basic and common sense – some not so much.

Here we go: --- CONTINUED at LINK, above ---

**CROSS POSTED in Financial forum
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Re: Prepping Lists to Get You Started

Post by Readymom »


The Supplies You Need To Stockpile For TEOTWAWKI

There are a lot of things you could stash away but what are the items that will be most in demand in a TEOTWAWKI situation?

The answer to that is pretty obvious in some ways but there are definitely some items that we take for granted now that will be harder to come by even if they are very inexpensive at the moment.

There are so many things that we use in our daily life that may be quite hard to imagine not being easy to acquire. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Prepping Lists to Get You Started

Post by Readymom »


25 Prepper Items To Look For at Flea Markets and Thrift Stores

If you’re interested in preparedness, flea markets and thrift stores can be goldmines. Every day, people clean out their garages or attics and give away things they don’t want, completely unaware that many of the items they donate are valuable to preppers.

These items end up in secondhand stores and can often be purchased for a fraction of what they would cost new. You just have to be patient and search.

Below you’ll find a list of items you should look for, especially if you’re a prepper on a budget. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Prepping Lists to Get You Started

Post by Readymom »


25 Items That Will Be Worth Their Weight In Gold After SHTF

When thinking about what to stockpile in case of a major collapse, it’s easy to get caught up in the big stuff and forget about all the little things. I’m talking about small items we use almost every single day and never think twice about until they’re gone.

Things like soap, trash bags, toilet paper, and so forth. These things are inexpensive right now, but after the shit hits the fan they will be very valuable. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Prepping Lists to Get You Started

Post by Readymom »


23 Prepper Items To Look For at the Goodwill Store

Stockpiling food, water, and supplies to sustain you and your family for a long time can get very expensive. For some, it just isn’t feasible to spend hundreds of dollars or more every week buying supplies that won’t be used right away.

Don’t be embarrassed. Most people can’t afford to do that. The trick is to buy used supplies so you can put the money you save toward your food purchases.

Shopping at thrift stores like the Goodwill store is a great way to save money. It’s extremely satisfying to score a good deal on something you really need. You’ll find yourself bragging about how cheap something was rather than how expensive it was.

The following list includes things you will want to keep your eye out for the next time you go thrifting. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Prepping Lists to Get You Started

Post by Readymom »


What To Scavenge During and After Collapse and TEOTWAWKI

Scavenging is something that comes up a lot in discussions about what people will need to do to survive.

(SNIP) ... During war and/or collapse, things get abandoned and there is also the simple fact that at some point, there is no way that you not scavenging is going to be helpful to anyone except others that are going to come along and scavenge. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Prepping Lists to Get You Started

Post by Readymom »


12 Things You Forgot to Add to Your Stockpile

There are a lot of things we are going to need in the aftermath of any major crisis, which will not be readily available. Some, like a sewing kit, are things that most of us have anyway. Others are unusual enough, that we’re not likely to be using them on a day-to-day basis. Those are the ones which are likely to get us in trouble. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Prepping Lists to Get You Started

Post by Readymom »


19 Survival Items That Will Last Forever

There are two kinds of survival items: those that last forever, and those that don’t. Let’s talk about the former, shall we? As it turns out, yes, there are survival items that will last you indefinitely (so long as you take care of them) and it is these survival items that could prove to be the most valuable and crucial to you for when the going gets tough.

Here are the top survival items that will last (practically) forever. (This is in alphabetical order.) ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Prepping Lists to Get You Started

Post by Readymom »


15 Things You Should Be Hoarding

[img(100px,125px)] ... webp/ngcb1[/img] Nearly everyone has a drawer, closet or room filled with, well, stuff. The word ‘hoarding’ generally evokes terrifying images of a house overflowing with useless junk – newspapers from the past thirty years, every can or bottle the hoarder has ever drunk from, and a seemingly endless supply of containers, wires, screws, and other things lying all over the place.

But it’s not always a bad thing: Take a guess at how many of those things we just listed can be useful. It’s time to sort out the junk drawer. Here’s what you should be hoarding and why… ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Prepping Lists to Get You Started

Post by Readymom »


15 Best Prepper Items You Can Find at Sam’s Club

[img(150px,100px)] ... webp/ngcb1[/img] Designed specifically for shoppers who prefer to buy in bulk, Sam’s Club is a prepper’s dream. While you will need to purchase an annual membership in order to shop at Sam’s Club, the reduced price on bulk items is sure to be worth it. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Prepping Lists to Get You Started

Post by Readymom »


25 Military Surplus Store Items To Look For

[img(125px,125px)] ... 0052_n.jpg[/img] I love a good military surplus store and part of that reason is that my Dad and my Uncle often took me to them as a kid. Some of my early memories as a little girl is digging through military surplus at Northern Sales in Burlington, Washington. They sold a lot of other outdoor goods too but they had a big surplus selection.

(SNIP) ... I have put together this list of what to look for at military surplus stores. At the end of this post, I have added some options for those that don’t have a store close by as well as some pointers on how to spot fake military goods or reproductions. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Prepping Lists to Get You Started

Post by Readymom »


12 Survival Items to Carry With You at All Times

We do our best to prepare for the foreseeable future. Sometimes we even consider a future that is shrouded by the unknown. In doing so, preppers and survivalists have adopted the EDC or everyday carry modality that assures we have on hand all the things needed to address a crisis.

We have compiled a list of 12 survival items to carry with you at all times ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Prepping Lists to Get You Started

Post by Readymom »


45 Items Every Prepper Should Stockpile

One of the first questions new preppers ask is: What should I buy? In the video below, Drop Forged Survival answers that question. He lists 25 items you should start stockpiling.

Here’s his list… ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Prepping Lists to Get You Started

Post by Readymom »


3 month supply: Be a pantry gourmet

Keeping a well-supplied pantry reduces stress and trips to the store. Pantry items aren’t just stored in a pantry or cupboard but can also be in your refrigerator and freezer. Each family will want to develop their own gourmet pantry, depending on their own particular tastes, needs and wants. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Prepping Lists to Get You Started

Post by Readymom »


100 Non-Food Items You Should Stockpile

You’ve probably read quite a few articles over the past year that list how much water and food you should have in your emergency pantry. Now it’s time to think about the other items that are essential to survival.

Of course, the type of emergency, where you live, and the time of year will factor into the supplies you need. But we’ve put together a list of non-food items you should consider gathering as part of your emergency preparations. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Prepping Lists to Get You Started

Post by Readymom »


12 Strange Survival Items You Should Stockpile

(BIG SNIP) ... I’m always looking for things that I need to add to my stockpile. Some of them might not seem all that normal to most people, or even seem like survival gear. But when a survival situation comes, you’re going to wish you’d stockpiled these things too. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Prepping Lists to Get You Started

Post by Readymom »


34 Supplies for Fixing Things After SHTF

(BIG SNIP) ... few preppers bother including repair parts and supplies in their stockpile; either through oversight or not knowing what they need. In either case, not having the right parts and supplies could leave us in a position where something we need for our family’s survival is no longer available to us.

Stocking the necessary parts and materials to make those repairs can be just about as important as having enough filters for your water purifying system. ---CONTINUED---
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