Gardening in the Shade

Prices are soaring. Product shortages. You've lost your job. Stores are Closed. Whatever your reason for needing a garden, there's a lot to know. A lot to learn. So many different types of gardens-bed, square-food gardens, tire gardens, window gardens. Find out more here.
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Gardening in the Shade

Post by Readymom »


20 Vegetables that Grow Well in Shady Areas

If your entire yard is covered in shade all day long, then there’s not much you can do since most vegetables need at least a little bit of sunlight. However, if there are parts of your yard that are merely dappled with shade or only shady for part of the day, there are plenty of options.

In fact, some veggies will thrive in these places because they can’t handle direct summer sunlight all day, anyway. ---CONTINUED---
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