Shampoo-Home Made

Trying to continue regular hygiene habits when supplies are limited my get difficult. Suggestions found here include: Toilet Paper, Showers, Shaving, Bathing, Hand Sanitizer, Hair Care, Soaps and much more!
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Shampoo-Home Made

Post by Readymom »


NOTE: This is something you would have to make when you have electric to pre-freeze the milk used. If the grid is down, you obviously won't be able to do that, unless you have alternate power for freezing.

Recipe: Goat Milk Shampoo Bars for Healthy Hair

Before making, you’ll first need to freeze the milk. To do so, weigh the amount of milk you need for the recipe directly into ice cube trays. Freeze until solid and store the cubes in freezer bags until you’re ready to make soap. ---CONTINUED---
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