Apartments & Small Space Prepping-Getting Started

Including Campers and RV's. How do you store the necessary food, water & medical supplies needed for a lengthy Emergency Sitting In Place situation? Some tips can be found here ...
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Apartments & Small Space Prepping-Getting Started

Post by Readymom »

Apartments & Small Space Prepping-Getting Started


A Quick Start Guide to Emergency Preparedness for Apartment Dwellers

If you live in an apartment and want to prepare for a disaster, you may initially feel overwhelmed by everything that needs to be done, and the feeling worsens when you hear about what other people are doing and you haven’t even started yet.

Don’t let all this worry get you down; the most important thing to do is to get started. Whether you live in a small apartment, or a small home, there is always a way to prepare regardless of your lack of space. Just focus on a few things at a time.

Here are a few tips to get started: --- CONTINUED at LINK, above ---
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Re: General Misc. Suggestions

Post by Readymom »

Ten Fast Track Tips for the Single Apartment Prepper


Ten Fast Track Tips for the Single Apartment Prepper

While most of our articles discuss family preparedness, we’d like to offer tips for apartment dwellers who live by themselves and would like to get started in preparedness.

Once you decide to prepare, don’t hesitate or feel intimidated, just do it. Let’s aim for a week’s worth of supplies to start. You can do one step per week, or if you budget allows, cover a couple of steps every paycheck. Some steps don’t involve spending, just a time commitment. --- CONTINUED at LINK, above ---
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Re: Apartments & Small Space Prepping-Getting Started

Post by Readymom »

Image Hat Tip to 'Rick' over at EHP-d:


Here's a good article from the prepper journal about storage for apartment dwellers and urban commuters This may be helpful to those that commute from a rural area to the city for work or for those that have limited storage options:

Storage Facilities: One Good Urban Commuter or Apartment Dweller’s Prep Option

This article explores the uses of storage facilities for suburban and rural commuters prepping for “Get Home From the City” or “shelter-in-place” situations and other disaster planning. Using storage facilities as alternative urban shelters or urban caches this article opens the discussion to office workers with smaller vehicles, an apartment dweller who has limited space for storing prepping supplies in a bid to find alternative plans or ideas to survive a good number of scenario or “events.” ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Apartments & Small Space Prepping-Getting Started

Post by Readymom »


23 Must-Have Supplies for Apartment Preppers

(SNIP) ... For the purpose of this article, we will examine what you need to have on hand in the event you are unable to leave your apartment for an extended period of time. These days, it’s not difficult to imagine situations that might make it unsafe for you to venture outside. It could be anything from a riot in the streets to a natural disaster.

Here is a list of 23 must-have supplies apartment preppers should have on hand. ---CONTINUED---
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