City Gardening

Prices are soaring. Product shortages. You've lost your job. Stores are Closed. Whatever your reason for needing a garden, there's a lot to know. A lot to learn. So many different types of gardens-bed, square-food gardens, tire gardens, window gardens. Find out more here.
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City Gardening

Post by Readymom »


The Best City Garden

City gardens and country gardens are different - not only in the amount of space each can fill, but in the types and quantities of foods that can be produced. Where the country garden can lounge over a half acre, the city garden must fit in tight spaces and nudge around decorative plants and kid’s play areas. The country garden can accommodate low-producing plants that require relatively large plots of land, like corn, but the city garden must achieve the highest productivity from the smallest parcel. This article will help you plan the best city garden you can grow—and, perhaps, give some new ideas to country gardeners as well. ---CONTINUED---
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