H5N1 Killer Flu

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H5N1 Killer Flu

Post by Readymom »

H5N1 Killer Flu

47 minutes | RealPlayer and Windows Media formats

The next global human flu epidemic may begin with a sick duck in Vietnam's Mekong River Delta, now the epicenter of a deadly bird flu outbreak. The World Health Organization estimates that the H5N1 virus -- which already has jumped species from birds to humans -- could kill tens of millions of people worldwide. WIDE ANGLE travels to Vietnam to investigate the threat of a global pandemic, portraying Vietnam's response to outbreaks in its cities, provinces and villages, where doctors, epidemiologists, and veterinarians are battling the virus. As the government tries to contain the disease and educate its people, there is growing evidence that the virus is evolving and already may have begun to spread via human-to-human contact for the first time, dramatically increasing the risk of a worldwide catastrophe.

Although each segement can be watched separately, whole video is recommended. If you watch any ... part 4 is significant!

Go Here for link to all: http://www.pbs.org/wnet/wideangle/shows ... video.html

Part 1: Thuan's Story
Running time: 11:42
Thuan, a teenage girl from southern Vietnam, falls ill with a severe case of bird flu after eating chicken thought to have been infected with the H5N1 virus.

Part 2: Tracking the Virus
Running time: 8:55
A team of doctors, virologists, and public health officials in Vietnam track the spread of the H5N1 virus and closely monitor the potential for the virus to mutate into a more dangerous form.

Part 3: An Evolving Threat
Running time: 11:36
The appearance of three cases of H5N1 infection within the same family causes experts to wonder whether the virus has become more efficient and, as a result, a much greater threat to humans.

Part 4: Preparing for a Pandemic
Running time: 12:54
In addition to killing millions of ducks and chickens, the Vietnamese government implements a series of measures in an effort to contain the avian flu outbreak. But health officials worry that a pandemic, for which the world would be unprepared, could still occur.
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