Food Item: Herbs & Spices-General Info

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Food Item: Herbs & Spices-General Info

Post by Readymom »

Herbs & Spices-General Information



(Page 41)

It is difficult to give exact instructions on how best to store culinary herbs and spices because there are dozens of different seeds, leaves, roots, barks, etc., we call an herb or a spice. There are, however, some general rules that may be followed to best preserve their flavors. All spices, particularly dried, are especially ... --- CONTINUED at LINK, above ---
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Food Item: Spices

Post by Readymom »

Spices: Long Term Storage


Long Term Storage of Spices and Herbs

Storing Spices and Herbs
by: Joan


The quantity of herbs and spices will depend on how much you use. How often, for instance, do you need to buy salt, or pepper, or oregano? Salt is the most used "spice" so you would need much more of that. For instance, a family of 2 adults uses approximately 8-10 pounds of salt per year.

As for other spices and herbs, they will lose their --- Copyrighted --- continued at link, above ---
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Re: Food Item: Spices

Post by Readymom »

Spices: Long Term Storage


FOOD/SPICE STORAGE longterm ... p?t=143967

:?: ":meemo"

Curious on what is the best thing to store in my mylar bags and food grade buckets for long term SHTF scenario. -snip-
Also spice/sugar/tea/SALT storage suggestions. Whats the shelf life if i do in mylar bags?? Im thinking of long term nnutrient levels too.

:arrow: "MikeK"

Whole spices last longer than ground, so it's always best to buy them that way. They last pretty well in mylar with O2 absorbers. They might lose some of their initial fragrance over time, but when you grind them, you'll find that they retained a lot of it inside their structure. If you buy them from online bulk suppliers, they sometimes come vacuum packed and they last a long time that way also.

I've used 10 year old spices that were just fine. You might need to adjust the quantities, but that's why we taste as we cook anyway.

Also remember that you can grow a lot of your own herbs quite easily. They're usually decorative too, and would make nice landscaping plants.

:arrow: "goose3"

As far as spices, I've put away a lot of dehydrated onion and dehydrated garlic in mylar bags with O2 absorbers, in smallish bags in a 5-gallon bucket.

I've also stored a lot of peppercorns (I like pepper), about a pound and half. You can buy 'em in bulk at places like Sam's. I've also prepped 5 small pepper grinders of the type you can get at Aldi for $1.69, and stored the peppercorns from each in their own mylar bags; I figure there's some barter value there.

I have a lot of other spices, oregano, basil, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, a bunch of others. Smallish packages so I can break them up into different buckets which will eventually let me put them into separate places.
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Re: Food Item: Spices

Post by Readymom »

How to Make Your Own Powders: Onion, Garlic & Chili Powders


Make Your Own Garlic, Onion, and Chili Powders!

Image As with many aspects of natural living, simple is often cheaper, easier, and more healthy. Making your own garlic, onion and chili powders (or a blend of all three) can be one of the easiest and tastiest changes you can make. These are also a great addition to homemade spice blends! --- CONTINUED at LINK, above ---
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Re: Food Item: Spices

Post by Readymom »

Home Made Spice Blends


14 Homemade Spice Blends

Image If you’ve never made your own spice blends, I’d encourage you to try it! It’s simple, saves money, and you avoid the chemical additives that are in most spice blends. --- CONTINUED at LINK, above ---
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Re: Food Item: Herbs & Spices

Post by Readymom »


How to Infuse Herbs in Oil, Water, Vinegar, Alcohol or Honey

Looking for creative, easy ways to use homegrown herbs, or maybe you’ve tried some herb flavored oils or herbal vinegars and wondered about making your own? In this post we’ll cover how to infuse herbs in oils, vinegars, alcohols and honey. With just a few simple steps, you can make your own delicious flavored cooking oils, such as garlic olive oil, quickly and inexpensively. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Food Item: Herbs & Spices-General Info

Post by Readymom »


Best Herbs and Spices for Preppers

Putting back food is an essential part of prepping. Spices may not have a lot of calories or nutritional value necessarily but they can go a long way towards making all those staple foods you have put back taste a lot better. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Food Item: Herbs & Spices-General Info

Post by Readymom »

For info on how to grow Herbs in a bucket container, go HERE:

Gardening >> Container Gardening
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