Forum Discussions on Security

Ideas on keeping your home safe. The possibiity of 'civil unrest' is always there, in extreme situations. Some ideas to help you through this are found here.
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Forum Discussions on Security

Post by Readymom »

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Original post by 'Possibilities' @ FluTrackers
Here's a few ideas to make your home more secure [while staying within the Terms of Service of this forum].

Obviously if things get crazy during the pandemic, you'll need alternative ways to communicate.
  • 1. Skype phone if the Internet is working or email
    2. Have a cell phone if the telephone isn't working
    3. Have an old style plug-in telephone if cordless phones don't work due to electricity failure.
    4. If you have an flag, try hanging it upside down or hanging a white flag outside a window to indicate you need assistance. Hand a black piece of material to indicate death.
Securing windows
The upper corner of a window can be secured with a pin which goes through both sections of the window to keep it from opening. Close drapes and blinds to reduce the abilitiy of someone to see within. Board windows if necessary to prevent entry. Do you have a more strategic view from a certain window to ascertain who is outside?

Securing doors
Are doors lockable in more than one section? Can you place a inexpensive device on the knob to indicate someone is trying to enter? Can you bar the door from the inside? Can you place a door stop inside which prevents it from being bashed in? Do you have peepholes installed?

Do you have a safer area in the house...a place to go to if things get bad inside? A place more defendable? A place with an alternative source of food and water?
(Continued at link, above)
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