Cats . . . . .

H5N1 has been found in Dogs, Cats & Birds. How do we protect and care for our faithful friends? Some of the answers can be found here.
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Cats . . . . .

Post by Readymom »


Hat Tip: Image D_Loki @ American Preppers Network:

* Link Unavailable. This site is no longer active and available to view on line. But the info was good and we wanted to keep sharing it!

I don't remember where I saw this, but the procedure is simple. Run newspaper, old magazines, scrap paper through your paper shredder. Soak the paper in water to a oatmeal consistency. Drain the paper in a colander or on a screen. Knead in baking soda while still wet to aid in odor control. Return the paper pulp to a screen and dry. When dry, crumble the paper into pea sized pieces. Now this is not a clumping formula so it will not stretch as far as clay litter, but It should do the job. If you had a large scrap paper source you could probably use the formula for bedding for other critters.

One other old-time recipe was to mix plain old sand with baking soda and clean and change as usual. We all know kitties love to hit the kids sandboxes.
Last edited by Readymom on Tue Dec 29, 2020 5:47 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Cats . . . . . . . .

Post by Readymom »


The Importance Of Cats For Prepping and SHTF: Here come the survival kitties!

Matt and I did not have cats until we moved out to the country on our 11 acres and realized that something had to be done to take on the rodent problem.

Fact: If you move to a place that is overgrown or near the woods, rodents will try to find a way to be part of your life. It happens to everyone. Living close to fields and forests means you have the perfect corridor for them to travel to you. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Cats . . . . .

Post by Readymom »


Make Your Own Kitty Litter

(SNIP) ... This 'recipe' is a clone for 'Yesterday's News' cat litter. I first tried it because I got tired of lugging 20 lb bags of Feline Pine home and paying $$ for something that was going to be thrown away. I like to be as self sufficient as I can and this is eco friendly and uses just a few cents worth of baking soda. ---CONTINUED---
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