Evacuating with Pets

There may be times when you need to be prepared to leave home. Would you be ready? What would you take? What about Pets? Can you gather it all quickly? How much do you need? What do you need to do to your home to leave it for an indefinite amount of time?
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Evacuating with Pets

Post by Readymom »


Evacuation Time? Don’t Forget Your Pets!

My heart just about broke when I saw all of the abandoned pets in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. How could someone just leave behind a beloved pet? Not only were the abandoned animals in jeopardy, but as days and weeks went by, they added to the already insurmountable problems faced by workers trying to clean up and restore the city.

Preparation for Pet Evacuation

What plans have you made and put into place for your animals should an emergency of some type strike your area? ---CONTINUED at LINK---
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Re: Evacuating with Pets

Post by Readymom »

For Information on Pet Bug Out Bags go here: Pet Survivial Kits or Pet 'Bug Out Bags'
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