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Post by Readymom »

:smt006 Greetings!

The original mission of the Emergency Home Preparation website was to inform and prepare individuals and households regarding 'Pandemic Influenza'. Specifically the emerging threat from the H5N1 'Avian (Bird Flu) pandemic threat.

Since the inception of this forum, we actually saw the start of our current 'H1N1 (Swine Flu) pandemic. Although this H1N1 pandemic did not result in the high number of deaths and resulting disruption in our every day life, we must be ever vigilant of the H5N1 (Avain) flu that is till showing signs of becoming a global pandemic. When? We don't know. But the lesson we should take away from the H1N1 (Swine) flu pandemic is the reminder that pandemic DO happen AND they happen QUICKLY.

As the global governments have been preparing for the possibility of a disruptive pandemic, concern rises over our global peace keeping efforts. The threat of terrorism is a continued threat, which is unfortunately here to stay, it seems.

Science is continually in debate over the various potential threats from Global Warming and Solar Flares. Of course we can't forget the upcoming '2012' apprehension that is concerning some circles.

Threats of nature are the more common occurrences that concern most populations, including hurricanes, tornadoes & floods, resulting in widespread damage and disruption.

The information that is being gathered in our 'Card Catalog' of resources on the Emergency Home Preparation forum will reflect as many of these potential threats as possible. We have already started to expand on emergency home preparation beyond just the preparation for a pandemic. Although, if you are prepared for a severe global pandemic, you are most likely prepared for just about any other threat that will come you way. :smt023

It is our hope that you will find the cataloging of information on this forum easy to navigate as you explore the various areas of home preparation. One area of preparation that you will find noticeably absent in the area of 'Personal and Home Safety' is the discussion on 'Firearms'. Due to the sensitivity of this personal preparedness topic, we invite to you explore other forums and websites that are specifically geared to that topic.

In our posts, you will find that copyrighted items are highlighted by introductory snips that refer to the original source. You are invited to share whatever you like from our EHP site (citing us as a reference would certainly be appreciated!). If you find something that you think would be a handy addition to our growing library, please feel free to post it, with a link to the original reference of source. Your post will be moderated before showing up. As the saying goes ... 'It takes a village ...' and getting as much information gathered as possible will benefit all.

Welcome and all the best in your home preparation efforts! -ReadyMom
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