Home Canning Butter

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Home Canning Butter

Post by Readymom »

Home Canning Butter

Many people have looked into home canning butter. For the most part, what has been found is very controversial. Most local extensions for food safety are not recommending it, as you will read in the following account. Some people have reported success. You will need to look into this and make your own decision on whether you want to try this and use it as a food storage option. I will continue to post any information on this, as found.


ImageBottled Butter

Also see Bottled Butter Part 2 here. (http://selfrelianceadventures.blogspot. ... art-2.html )

Update 11/24: word from our local extension agent that bottling butter is not safe due to it not getting hot enough to kill botulism . . . guess I won't be doing more unless I figure out another way to do it or find out otherwise. We got the instructions to do it from a food storage book, so just figured it had been checked out. --- continued at link, above ---


Bottled Butter Part 2

In case any of you missed my first experience bottling butter, check it out here before reading the rest of this post. I'll wait . . .

Okay, back now? So the two main problems with bottling butter were 1-not high enough temperature to kill botulism spores, and 2-jar lids did not seal completely even though they "popped" down.


So there you have it. I'm not in any real hurry to bottle more butter (I usually just keep a bunch in the freezer), but if I wanted to, I would feel pretty safe using the pressure canning method. But just in case you die from botulism tainted bottled butter, I didn't recommend it. ;) --- Full article at link, above ---
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