Food Item: Rice

Including Breads,Cereals, Flour. Includes specific grains like Rice,Wheat & Oats.
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Food Item: Rice

Post by Readymom »

Originally posted by Raccoon, Avian Flu Talk

Take rice and divide it into 1 or 2 cup much as you would use at one time and seal individual packets. Then there is no measuring, just add an equal amount of water.
Remember that trash will also be a don't want to put your food wrappers out on the curb and advertise that you have food!

On the same site were more suggestions:

I am packing my rice in three cup packages. I figure we can use it in two or three sittings. I've heard of people packing their rice in five gallon buckets and I just don't see how it will stay fresh once it's been opened. It would take us months to go through five gallons of rice.
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Freezing before storage

Post by Readymom »

Beans and rice. Freeze each bag for 3 days before you store it - it kills the eggs of the bugs that might otherwise hatch in it in storage. And get some containers with close fitting lids that would keep out the mice and damp. Then think about water sterilization and a way of cooking if the power goes off for long periods. (Source unknown)
I FREEZE ALL DRIED GOODS FOR 2 WEEKS BEFORE STORING.....this get all the small larva out especially flour... (Source Unknown)
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Post by Readymom »


Originally posted by AnneZ @ FluTrackers:

Many people have rice in their preps.
There is a lot of difficulty in choosing between white rice, which has a long shelf life and brown rice which is nutritionally superior.Therefore I am posting a few notes I have gathered about rice.

History of white rice:

Traditionally, “brown” or whole grain rice was a staple food in many Oriental countries. The oils contained in the germ of whole grain rice or wheat can go rancid rather quickly, especially when exposed to air (as when ground into flour) and stored at room temperature. Thus whole grains have a somewhat limited shelf-life (which can be extended by sealing them in an airproof container and refrigerating them). Thus, in an effort to extend the shelf-life of rice, in the 1800s, the Germans perfected rice milling machines which stripped the bran and germ from rice yielding white rice. Advertising of that era convinced people who could afford it that this new white rice was a superior food to be sought after. This also was an age of conquest for European peoples and while European colonists in Asian areas adopted the rice-eating habits of the indigenous peoples, they preferred to eat socially-acceptable, expensive, white rice rather than the inexpensive brown rice consumed by the local “poor” people. Interestingly, these white settlers and navy personel in the Orient frequently came down with a disease called beriberi which the poor people didn’t get.

Symptoms of beriberi:
Symptoms of beriberi, many of which are neurological, include fatigue, irritation, poor memory, sleep disturbances, anorexia, abdominal discomfort and constipation, nerve problems like burning sensations in the feet, calf muscle cramps and weakness.

Fotitified white rice:
Fully milled and polished white rice is required to be “enriched” with vitamins B1, B3 and iron. But the form of these nutrients when added back into the processed rice is not the same as in the original unprocessed version, and at least 11 lost nutrients are not replaced in any form even with rice "enrichment".

Brown rice:
When brown rice is the major source of energy in the diet, it provides valuable quantities of minerals as well as riboflavin and calcium. However, the B group vitamins are all very soluble in water and heavy loss of these vitamins may occur if rice is boiled in excess water, fried at high temperatures or washed. Brown rice is also superior in vitamin content to white rice because white rice has had the bran layer, which includes the embryo of the seed, removed. Because white rice is low in thiamin, the body cannot use the carbohydrate present for energy.

The process that produces brown rice removes only the outermost layer, the hull, of the rice kernel and is the least damaging to its nutritional value. The complete milling and polishing that converts brown rice into white rice destroys 67% of the vitamin B3, 80% of the vitamin B1, 90% of the vitamin B6, half of the manganese, half of the phosphorus, 60% of the iron, and all of the dietary fiber and essential fatty acids.

Selenium is an essential component of several major metabolic pathways, including thyroid hormone metabolism, antioxidant defense systems, and immune function.
A cup of cooked brown rice provides 27.3% of the DV for selenium.

Because of the oil content in the bran, brown rice has a shelf life of about six months. Uncooked brown rice keeps best when refrigerated.

When eating white rice also take a good vitamin tablet.
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Rice: Information & Storage

Post by Readymom »


There are numerous, about 40,000, types of rice, although they all stem from the same species, oryza sativa. But the most common classification and the one most favoured in Canadian supermarkets, is by the length of the grain, which can be long, medium or short. Within these categories there is an innumerable number of varieties, details of which are probably not important to the average consumer. As a general rule, long and medium grain rice is used for savoury dishes, while short grain is used for desserts. There are exceptions: risotto is made only with special medium-short grain rice, and sushi rice is short grain. The primary differences in these rices is their cooking characteristics and in some cases subtle flavour differences.

The terms "Indica" and "Japonica" are virtually synonymous with "long grain and non-sticky" and "short grain and sticky" respectively.

There are several possible ways of classifying rice: by shape, region, colour, or by cooking properties.

Here are described the more common varieties that are customarily found in Canada. Depending on where one lives, a trip to the nearest ethnic market, or recourse to mail order may be required.


Long Grain Rice - Types

Long grain rice has a long, slender kernel, four to five times longer than its width. Cooked long grain rice is typically separate, light and fluffy. White long grain rice is the most commonly available type on the market and comes from a number of countries. Long grain rice is available in varying degrees of processing.

Brown Rice
Starting with the least processed, brown rice (sometimes called whole-grain rice) is the complete grain, with only the hull removed. Brown rice can be eaten as is or further processed or milled into white rice. Cooked brown rice grains are slightly chewy with a nut-like flavour. The brown colour is caused by the presence of bran layers which are rich in minerals, fibre, and vitamins, especially the B-Complex group. Brown rice is nutritionally superior to the white variety, but takes much longer to cook, is rather more glutinous, and has markedly different taste characteristics. It takes about twice as long to cook as white rice. Most rice varieties come in a brown version. Brown rice has a short shelf life due to oil in the germ.

Regular-Milled White Rice
Regular-Milled White Rice has the hull and bran layers removed. It is sometimes called milled rice, white rice, or polished white rice. Most white rice is enriched.

Parboiled or Converted Rice
Parboiled or Converted Rice has gone through a steam-pressure process before milling. The procedure ensures a firmer, more separate grain. Parboiled rice contains the majority of the vitamins and minerals present in brown rice because the rice is steamed and cooled before the outer bran layer is removed, locking in the nutrients. Uncooked grains are translucent with a faint yellowish colouring. Parboiled rice was developed to provide consumers with an easy-to-cook product that gave separate, fluffy grains.

Precooked or Instant Rice
Pre-cooked rice is white or brown rice that has been completely cooked and dehydrated after milling. Precooked rice is available in frozen, canned, or cook-in-a-bag form. While undoubtedly more convenient, precooked rice is more expensive than less processed types of rice, and the taste can be rather bland.


Long Grain Varieties

Jasmine Rice
Jasmine Rice or "kao horm mali:" (fragrant jasmine rice) is a Thai specialty. Silky, smooth and shiny, when cooked it produces a fugitive aroma reminiscent of the pandanus (screw pine) leaf. As few of us have ever had the privilege of sampling pandanus, perhaps "slightly nutty and floral" is as close as one can approach an accurate description of the aroma. Jasmine rice does not have a jasmine aroma; it was given this name to indicate the grain's pearly, pure whiteness. Cooking with salt tends to mask its delicate flavour.

Basmati Rice
Basmati Rice is grown in the foothills of the Himalayas in India. When cooked the grain rice doubles in length when cooking, partially splits lengthwise, and is curved. Basmati rice is the least glutinous of all rices; once cooked, the grains remain separate. Its taste and aroma are more pronounced than standard long grain varieties, and is ideal for preparing biryani, pilaf and other Indian and Middle Eastern dishes. For best results rinse then soak for 30 minutes to allow the firm rice grains to begin to soften and wash off surface starch. Brown basmati rice is also available. Texmati Rice is an American version of Basmati rice.

Patna rice is a close relative to basmati, but is less aromatic.

Red Rice
Red Rice is shorter and has a wider kernel than regular long grain rice. It has a hard grain and retains its shape. It has a distinctive chewy texture and a nutty flavour.


Short Grain Varieties

Glutinous Rice
Generally, all short grain rice is glutinous to some extent. The name is misleading; the grains contain no gluten.

Italian Rice
Italy is the largest producer of rice in Europe. Italian rice is classified by size; shortest grain-ordinario or comune (the shortest), semifino and fino to superfine (the longest). Risotto type rice is usually fino or superfino. Most Italian rice is short grain.

Arborio Rice
A large, medium-short grain rice, with a white dot in the centre of the grain. The starch granules are loosely packed, allowing the grains to absorb unusually large amounts of liquid and flavour during cooking. When cooked it develops a creamy texture around a chewy centre. Ideally used for risottos, soups and desserts. Do not rinse before cooking. Other Italian varieties, with similar properties, include Carnaroli, Baldo, Roma, and Nano.

Spanish Rice
The most common is a medium-short grain variety, which is slightly sticky consistency when cooked. It is particularly popular for making Paella. Bahia, Granza, Valencia and Bomba are all Spanish varieties.

Chinese Glutinous Rice
There are white and black varieties, and also a pinkish red rice that grows along the Yangtze river in China. It is used for puddings and dim sum.

Thai Glutinous Rice
This is available in white and black grains. It is popular in puddings and desserts. The cooked black rice grain is really a deep blue-purple colour.

Short Japanese Rice

Also known as sticky rice, sweet rice (although it's not), or sushi rice. Rice is Japan's most important crop, and is inextricably intertwined with Japanese culture; rice was once used for currency, and the Japanese word for rice (gohan) has the general meaning of "meal". In Japan rice is a serious subject, and its preparation is treated to detailed attention.

Japanese rice becomes sticky when cooked, making it ideal for forming the rice component of sushi.

Black Rice

Black Rice is usually short grain. Once it is cooked it becomes deep dark purple to indigo, with a nutty flavour. Great for stir fry, stuffing, casseroles, side dishes

Medium Grain Varieties

Between long and short grain rice varieties, there are subtle graduations. A working knowledge of these graduations is not necessary, except to note that Javanica rice is a medium grain variety from Indonesia, the Philippines, and Madagascar.

Medium grain rice is suitable for making paella and risotto.


Wild Rice
Zizania palustris and zizania aquatica are the botanical terms for wild rice. Wild rice is not true rice at all, but a grass that grows in the marshy area around the Great Lakes in Canada and the USA. It is harvested by the local natives.

Good Grain
This black grain, the Indians call "Mahnomen", meaning good grain, contains vital nutrients, while providing great taste. Wild rice is lower in fat content and has a higher proportion of protein than unpolished rice. It contains several important B-group vitamins.

To prepare wild rice for cooking, it needs to be soaked for several hours. Then it must be cooked for at least 40 minutes until the inner grain breaks through the husk. Wild rice is used at Thanksgiving for stuffing the turkey, a symbol of the fact that wild rice was an important staple food for the early settlers when the wheat and barley was scarce. Serve wild rice and wild rice mixtures with fish, like salmon.

Wild Rice Mixtures
Wild rice and Basmati is a mixture of the two. Because wild rice normally takes longer to cook than Basmati, the makers of this product will balance the equation by using parboiled basmati, which has a longer cooking time, and matching it with a strain of wild rice that requires less cooking time than usual. Always read the cooking instructions on the package.

Other combinations available at the grocery store are:
  • Wild Rice and White Long Grain Rice
    Wild Rice and Par-Boiled Rice
    Wild Rice and Brown Rice


Other Rice Products
  • Rice Milk
    Puffed Rice
    Flaked Rice
    Ground Rice
    Rice Flour
    Rice Vinegar
    Rice-stick Noodles
    Rice Vermicelli Noodles
    Japanese Harusame Noodles
    Rice Paper
    Singapore Noodles
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Rice Milk

Post by AnneZ »

Recipe for rice milk.

Great for people with allergy or intolerance to dairy milk

1 cup hot, cooked rice (white or brown).

4 cups hot water

Pinch of salt (optional)

Vanilla drops (optional)

Put in blender, will need to be done in batches.

Process thoughly.

Strain through sieve.

If there are any solids discard them.

Store rice milk in jug in fridge.

Stir before using.

Keeps 3 - 4 days.
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Rice-Info from the Alan's Stuff, Purdent Food Storage

Post by Readymom »

Rice-General Information


From Alan's Stuff,the Prudent Food Storage

(Page 14)

RICE: Rice is the most widely consumed food grain in the world with the U.S. being the leading exporter of this important staple, though we actually only produce about 1% of the global supply. The majority of the world's rice is eaten within five miles of where it was grown.

Much like wheat and corn, rice comes in a number of varieties, each with different characteristics. They are typically divided into classes by the length of their kernel grains; short, medium and long. --- CONTINUED at LINK, above ---


Post by Spot »

We have our rice in vacummed sealed quart jars and also 2 lt drink bottles.
I had sealed mine in the quart jars and was talking to a friend one day and he said that he put rice in 2 lt. bottles and it did real good , so I tried it and it works . Make sure that the bottles are clean , and dry with NO water in them.
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BROWN RICE can go rancid-

Post by Readymom »


Original post by (AnneZ) at FluTrackers

Some ideas about rice in preps:

When buy brown rice for extended preps buy only enough for 6 months, after that the oils in the rice may have gone rancid.

When eating white rice also take a good vitamin tablet.
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Re: Food Item: Rice

Post by Readymom »

Storing Rice


The Survival Guide To Long Term Food Storage: Part 2

  • Brown Rice
    White Rice
With all of these foods you can expect up to five years of storage.
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Re: Food Item: Rice

Post by Readymom »

Rice-Storage-MYLAR bags-CUBE shaped!

Here is a GREAT video showing how to store rice in a mylar bag that has been fashioned into a cube shaped brick! It's a GREAT storage option for storing rice. You have so many more options for using storage space that you would NOT have, when using buckets!

Image Hat Tip to 'Gelandangan' over at SurvivalHQ ( ... entry14121 )


Gelandangan's how to store rice long term in a mylar bag.
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Re: Food Item: Rice

Post by Readymom »

Brown Rice-Is it spoiled?


How to tell if rice is bad, rotten or spoiled?
Brown rice, on the other hand, may become oily and give off a rancid odor.
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Re: Food Item: Rice

Post by Readymom »


Rice: History & Types Of Rice

There are literally thousands, perhaps as many as 40,000 or more, varieties of rice grown on every continent except Antarctica. Learn all about rice, how it is cultivated and the many different types of rice in this comprehensive review. ---CONTINUED---

Page 1a: Introduction Page
1b: The History Of Rice Page
1c: Rice In America Page
1d: How Rice Is Grown Page
2: The Different Types Of Rice ~ Rice Glossary
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Re: Food Item: Rice

Post by Readymom »



(BIG SNIP) ... In your preparedness pantry, rice is economical as well as versatile. It can be used for desserts as well as main or side dishes. Long-grain rice cooks up dry and fluffy and is good in curries, pilafs, and casseroles. Medium-grain rice is also good for casseroles. Short-grain rice is more tender and sticky. It is good for ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Food Item: Rice

Post by Readymom »


Tasty Survival Recipes With Rice and Beans

(Scroll down the article to the section on rice)

(SNIP) ... Cooking rice is difficult if you haven’t done it before. You are doing a lot of things in a short period of time and if some of them are done too long or not long enough it can ruin your rice. ---CONTINUED---

:arrow: CROSS POSTED in Food :: Food: Recipes :: Recipes Using Food Storage Items
:arrow: CROSS POSTED in Food :: Tips & Hints-Individual Food Item Hint :: Grains & Grain :: Beans & Lentils ... Legumes
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Re: Food Item: Rice

Post by Readymom »

For recipe to make FLOUR & BREAD from rice, go here: Bread Recipes
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Re: Food Item: Rice

Post by Readymom »

For information on making RICE FLOUR, go here: Food: Specific Food Item Hint Grains & Grain Products
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Re: Food Item: Rice

Post by Readymom »


How to Store Rice For The Long Term

Rice is considered a non-perishable food and, in theory, can last years in your pantry. However, if you don’t store it properly, rice will eventually go bad.

Here’s what you need to know about rice shelf life and storage methods that will keep rice from spoiling for years or even decades. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Food Item: Rice

Post by Readymom »


Does Rice Turn into Maggots? [The Complete Answer]

Did you open up a bag of rice and find maggot-like creatures inside? Here’s what you need to know about what those are, how they got there and how to get rid of them. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Food Item: Rice

Post by Readymom »


I Eat 12 Year Old Storage Rice: Is There a Difference?

There are various different ways to store rice, and some are better than others. In this video, Patriot Nurse tests the results of a cheap and less-than-ideal method of storing rice.
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