Sewing: General Discussion

Basic skills that you might need, if you cannot get to a store. How to fix a pair of socks (have you EVER done that before or did you just toss them out and buy a new pair?). Crochet & Knitting skills for blankets, footwear, household items. Lots of uses for an old skill that many don't have anymore.
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Sewing: General Discussion

Post by Readymom »


Staying Warm When the SHTF --Survival Sewing

by RANGER MAN on OCTOBER 11, 2010
Guest Post by Julie Anne Eason of

I wish I could say I looked as hot as Survival Babe Betty, but I do live in Maine and heat is a concern even in the best of circumstances. When the SHTF, though, how are you going to keep warm in the colder months? I’m sure you already know how to build all kinds of fancy fires and own the latest in winter survival camo. But fires are kind of useless when you have to roam away from camp to find food, and high-tech clothing materials tend to be thin and wear out quickly. So, what’s a frozen survivalist to do? Here are a few low-tech ideas. --- continued at link, above ---

Includes information on :
  • silk and wool
    natural insulation
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