Food Safety & Spoilage-How can you tell if it's gone bad?

Detailed lists from various sources with notes, ideas and hints on all aspects of starting, organizing and using your food storage. Including Buckets, mylar bags, oxy absorbers, shelf life, packaging codes, storage solutions & MORE!
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Food Safety & Spoilage-How can you tell if it's gone bad?

Post by Readymom »


Foods Gone Bad-LDS Preparedness Manual

Pages 99-103



Insect infestations can occur in a wide variety of foodstuffs such as flours, meals, pastas, dried fruits or vegetables, nuts, sweets, whole grains, beans, sugars, TVP, jerky, bird seed and pet foods. Naturally, the best way to deal with an insect infestation is . . . . ----- continued at link, above ---


Molds are fungi like mushrooms and yeast. Also like mushrooms, they reproduce by releasing spores into the air that land on everything, including your food and food storage containers. If those spores begin to grow, they . . . .

If the food shows even a tiny mold spot, follow these
guidelines: . . . .

----- continued at link, above ---


Like the fungi, bacteria are everywhere, in the water, soil, air, on you, your food and your food storage containers. Fortunately, the vast majority of the bacteria we encounter are relatively harmless or even benign and only a few represent a danger to us and our stored foods.Bacteria can be much more difficult to kill than molds and insects. Some are capable of . . . ----- continued at link, above ---


Clostridium botulinum is one of the oldest life forms on this planet dating from a time before the Earth had an abundant oxygen atmosphere. Like the gangrene bacteria, it is an anaerobic organism meaning it lives and grows only in the absence of free oxygen. When conditions are not suitable for growth the bacteria can form durable seed like spores which are commonly found in the soil. This means that C. botulinum can be brought into your life on raw produce, tools, hands or anything else that came into contact with dirt. To further complicate matters, . . . ----- continued at link, above ---
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Re: Foods Gone Bad-Spoiled, Damaged,

Post by Readymom »

How to Tell if Pantry Stock is Spoiled- VIDEO

Great series of videos regarding spoilage of pantry foods.


How to Tell if Your Pantry Foods Have Gone Bad

Christine Bruhn, PhD is the Director of the Center for Consumer Research at the University of California, Davis where she earned her doctorate. Dr. Bruhn has a special interest and passion for safe food handling practices. Her major area of research is in consumer attitudes and perceptions of food quality, safety and wholesomeness.


Other videos in this series:
  • How to Tell if Your Food Has Gone Bad

    -Food Safety Basics
    -How to Tell if Your Bread has Gone Bad
    -How to Tell if Your Lunch Meats Have Gone Bad
    -How to Tell if Your Dairy Products Have Gone Bad
    -How to Tell if Your Leftovers Have Gone Bad
    -How to Tell if Your Fruits and Vegetables Have Gone Bad
    -How to Tell if Your Frozen Foods Have Gone Bad
    -How to Tell if Your Pantry Foods Have Gone Bad
    -How to Properly Wash Your Produce
    -How to Properly Store Your Food in the Fridge
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Re: Food Safety

Post by Readymom »


Should You Throw It Out? These Moldy Foods Are Still Edible

I hate to think how much food I have wasted because of mold. My mother taught me well: “When in doubt, throw it out.” In many cases that is a good motto to live by. However, when it comes to moldy foods, it does not always apply. According to a report published by the USDA, many moldy foods are safe to eat, after removing the mold, of course.

Some people are very sensitive to molds. And molds can cause allergic reactions and respiratory issues, even in healthy people. Some molds produce mycotoxins that can make you very sick. However, others are beneficial, adding flavor to cheese and producing penicillin. So how can we know the difference? When is mold safe and when is it toxic? ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Food Safety

Post by Readymom »


How To Tell If Your Frozen Food Has Gone Bad

How many times have you gone to the freezer to grab something for dinner later that night or the next day, only to find out that what you thought would be dinner, ended up in the garbage? It has happened to me enough times that I should have learned my lesson by now. The freezer is not a place for foods to rest eternally. So, I decided to do some research on what I was doing wrong, as well as what to watch for in and out of my freezer. ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Food Safety & Spoilage-How can you tell if it's gone bad

Post by Readymom »


How to Tell When Your Canned Foods Become Spoiled?

Have you ever opened a can you made a year before, and you didn’t know whether it was spoiled or not? Whether to throw it away or just remove – for example the mold – and consume the rest? I can’t even remember the number of times when I found myself in this situation.

For those of you who don’t know: Eating spoiled canned foods can result in death!!! ---CONTINUED---
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Re: Food Safety & Spoilage-How can you tell if it's gone bad?

Post by Readymom »


Keep Food and Water Safe After a Disaster or Emergency

If you are in a disaster or emergency, it’s important that you take steps to prevent illness from unsafe food and water. ---CONTINUED---

Includes PDF Info Sheets:

Eat Safe Food Fact Sheet

Drink Safe Water Fact Sheet
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Re: Food Safety & Spoilage-How can you tell if it's gone bad?

Post by Readymom »


What To Do With Expired Canned Food ( Top 7 Options )

As a prepper you will have a lot of expired canned food sooner or later, for the most part, these expired canned foods will be edible. Most beginner preppers make the big mistake of hoarding a lot of canned foods and then they let the canned foods just stay on the shelf, only to find that when they want to use them they are expired. Expired canned food doesn’t necessarily mean it is not edible, although this mostly depends on what kind of food is in the can. ---CONTINUED---
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